Chapter 31

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|Scar Mejia|

"We have two problems now. First, the lichen is not a cure. It'll wear off in a matter of days." Deaton told Argent, who was on the phone.

"While it does work, the Oni won't go after Stiles, right?" I heard Argent say.

"I hope. Eichen House has an unusual history. It might not be all that safe for the Oni there as well."

"What's the second problem?" He asked.

"I checked with your contacts in Japan. The yakuza boss you saw killed by the Oni never found the scroll."

"What Scroll?" Scott asked.

"A Shugendo Scroll. The Shugendo were the ascetic Mystics of Japan." Deaton explained.

"The scroll had information on how to exorcise a nogitsune." Chris added.

"So we need to find that scroll?" Scott asked for clarification.

"Exactly. I did get a name of the man who last purchased it. Kincaid."

I sat up, "He was with Katashi. He's the guy who met with Isaac to buy the gun." I told them.

"Sounds like Katashi wanted the scroll for himself."

"Stilinski already told me nothing like it was found among his things. A paranoid like Katashi would keep it close. Probably on him at all times." Chris informed us.

"What does a Shugendo Scroll look like?" I asked.

Deaton stood up and opened one of the drawers behind him.

He pulled out a scroll, "Something like this."

I saw this before. "Do these come in different sizes?"

Deaton nodded, "Any size."

"Then I think I know where it might be."

"This is a really bad plan." Scott sighed.

"It's not that bad." Lydia smiled.

"It's not that good." Ethan said in the same tone as Lydia.

"None of us knows the route they're going to take. If Allison can get one of her dad's GPS trackers on the armored car, then we can follow it."

"So when it gets here..." I was cut off by Aiden. "We attack them."

Lydia turned to face him, "No. Your bikes will be in the middle of the road, looking like you guys got into an accident. When the driver gets out to help..."

Aiden interrupted again, "We attack them."

"No." We all said.

"You'll distract him and Scott will break open the back door."

Scott sighed, "I hope."

"And you'll get Katashi's finger."

"It's not his actual finger, is it?" I shook my head while Lydia said, "You are so out of our league."

Ethan rolled his eyes, "Why aren't we just going to Stilinski for help?"

"If he gets caught, then it's the Sheriff tampering with federal evidence." Scott explained.

"Guys, this is going to work. We can do this. We're losing Stiles. Argent is in jail for murder. Isaac in the hospital. We need to do this." I said.

I watched as Kira ran forward, placing the GPS on the bottom of the truck. Deputy Parrish came outside and Kira hid behind the truck. Oh no.

"We have to do something." Scott mumbled.

Suddenly, the back door opened and a guy jumped out and knocked out Parrish.

"Who the hell is that?"

I sighed, "Kincaid."

Scott, Allison, and I walked up to him.

"We need that finger." Scott said, confidently.

"Why should I give it to you?" Kincaid asked.

"There's a briefcase in there with $150,000 in it."

He laughed, "The scroll inside this prosthetic finger is worth three million."

Scott took a step forward, "Give me the finger." We both looked at him funny.

Scott sighed, "You know what I mean."

Kira jumped down from the truck and onto Kincaid's back, but it didn't effect him at all.

He threw her on the floor, "I guess negotiations are over."

Allison shot an arrow in his shoulder, which Kincaid easily pulled out and knocked her out. Next, He grabbed Kira and threw her into the wall. I went to kick him from behind but he saw me coming. Kincaid grabbed my leg and twisted it, breaking it in the process. Scott punched him about five times but it barely effected Kincaid. Kincaid punched him twice before head butting him, knocking Scott down.

"You have the eyes of an Alpha but where's the strength?"

"Up here." The twins said before fighting Kincaid.

Lydia came and helped me up. "Are you okay?" She asked.

I twisted it back into place, "I will be in a second."

I looked back to Aiden and Ethan who were still beating the crap out of Kincaid.

"Ethan, Aiden." I yelled. "Stop!"

"You want him to come after us?" Aiden asked.

"Scar, we've seen guys like this. Trust us. He's dangerous."

I shrugged, "So are we. He looks smart enough to remember that."

Scott walked forward, taking the finger from Kincaid's pocket.

He emptied the scroll into his hand, "We're here to save a life. Not end one."

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