Chapter 22

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|Scar Mejia|

Derek drove us back to where Isaac was to get Cora.

"Where's Scott and Stiles?" Allison asked, as soon as we got out of the car.

It was pouring rain. It soaked our clothes and hair.

"Stiles is still at the hospital. He's gonna hold off the cops for us." Derek answered, carrying Cora to his truck.

"We have to go right now." I heard Isaac say.

"What about Scott and Melissa?" Chris asked.

"Jennifer took Melissa." Derek closed the door, walking towards the drivers' seat.

"What about Scott?" Allison asked.

Neither of us answered.

"Scar, where's Scott?" Allison demanded.

I sighed and looked at her, "He's with Deucalion now."

With Dad missing, the house was empty but filled with gloom. My phone rung, breaking the silence.


"Looks like I've found my third human sacrifice. I think he wants to speak with you."

The phone moved before I heard a familiar voice.

"Scar!" I heard him cry.

"Jonathan?" I whispered.

"The mean lady took me." My brother cried.

"Jon, listen to me. I'm going to find you. I'm gonna get you guys out of there. I promise."

"You better hurry. Time is ticking." Jennifer laughed before hanging up.

I ran downstairs and out the door.

I sent a text message to the pack saying that Jennifer had the third sacrifice. About 30 minutes later, Stiles texted me back. He knows where they are. She's keeping them at the Nemeton. The root cellar. Lydia went to Derek and Peter to find the exactly location. Me? I was running through the woods, trying to find it. This was absolutely pointless. I'll never find it alone. My phone rung, slightly scaring me. Stiles.

<Meet Scott, Deaton, and I at the preserve entrance.>

"What's the plan?" Scott asked Deaton.

"Essentially, you, Scar, and Stiles need to be surrogate sacrifices for your parents and brother."

I raised an eyebrow, "We die for them?"

"Well, he can bring us back. You can bring us back, right?" Stiles asked.

"You remember the part where I said it was dangerous? If it goes right, the three of you will be dead for a few seconds but there's something else you need to think about. This is a dangerous thing for more reasons than one. You'll be giving power back to the Nemeton, a place that hasn't had power for a long time. This kind of power is like a magnet. It attracts the supernatural. The kind of things that a family like the Argents can fill the pages of the Beastiary with. It will draw them here like a beacon." Deaton explained.

"It doesn't sound anything worst than what we've seen." Stiles said.

"You'd be surprised at what you've yet to see."

"Is that it?" I asked.

"No. It'll also have an effect on the three of you. You won't be able to see it but you'll feel it... everyday for the rest of your lives. It'll be a kind of a darkness around your heart and permanent like a scar."

"Like a tattoo." I heard Scott whisper.

"Alright, what did you bring?" Deaton asked.

"Um, I got my Dad's badge. Jennifer kind of crushed it in her hand. I tried hammering it out a bit. Still doesn't look great." Stiles mumbled.

"It doesn't need to look great if it has meaning."

Deaton looked at me, "What about you, Scar?"

I held up my brother's teddy bear, "I, uh, found this when I was trying to find the Nemeton. I got it for my brother when he was three. He never let this thing go."

I lowered my hand, gripping the bear tighter. Isaac rubbed my back.

"Scott?" Deaton looked at him.

Scott opened his hand, revealing a watch.

"My dad got my mom this watch when she first got hired at the hospital. She used to say it was only thing in her marriage that ever worked." He smiled slightly.

"Okay. The three of you will get in and each of us will hold you down until you're essentially, well, dead. But it's not just someone to hold you under, it needs to be someone who can pull you back. Someone that has a strong connection to you. Lydia, you go with Stiles. Allison, Scott. Scar with Isaac."

I took off my shoes and socks before walking to one of the tubs. I looked back at Isaac, who was standing behind me.

"You ready?" He whispered.

I nodded before getting in. I gripped the bear tighter.

"By the way, If I don't make it back and you do, you should probably know something. Your dad's in town." Stiles told Scott.

I didn't know much about Scott's dad. All I knew was that he wasn't in the family picture anymore.

"If I don't make it out, tell my brother that I love him and make sure he gets to a nice family." I looked around at them.

"Of Course." Stiles said and the rest nodded in agreement.

"It's time." Deaton said, grabbing Scott's shoulders as Isaac grabbed mine.

I held my breath as Isaac pushed me under...

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