Chapter 35

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|Scar Mejia|

So much has happened since we saved Stiles. Allison and Aiden are dead, Scott's a true alpha. Chris Argent and Isaac left to France, Cora went back to South America, and Malia goes to Beacon Hills High now.

Right Now? We're looking for Derek in fücking Mexico. Lydia and Stiles were currently negotiating with Araya Calavera while Scott, Kira, Malia and I were in the club for back-up. I looked over to see Kira and Malia dancing close, distracting about half the people in here. The bodyguards were closing in on us. I grabbed one of their wrists as he tried to punch me. I kneed him in the gut and threw him into the wall, knocking him out. I looked over to see that Malia, Kira, and Scott had beat up the other guards too. No one in the club saw a thing. We walked through a hallway, looking for Stiles and Lydia. Suddenly, I smelled something familiar. Wolfsbane.

"It's Wolfsbane! Girls, get of here!" Scott yelled but it was too late.

The wolfsbane was already making us woozy.

"Someone who has been an alpha only a few months should be more careful with facing a hunter of 40 years!" Araya said smiling.

"All we want is Derek!" Scott said, choking on the smoke.

"Long way from home." She mumbled.

"You don't know where he is either." I said before she tazed both of us.

I woke up on the floor of a bathroom.

"They're awake!" Kira yelled.

Malia helped me up while Stiles helped Scott.

"They don't have him. They don't have Derek." Scott said frustrated.

"We know. Right now, they have Lydia." Kira said.

"Lydia? What do they want with Lydia?" I asked.

Scott looked around, looking for an exit as I tried to pry the door open.

"We already tried looking for a way out." Kira said softly.

"I say the next time that door opens, we take out whoever's there and make a run for it." Malia spoke up.

"What about Lydia?"

"What about her?" Malia asked shrugging.

"We're not leaving without her." I said glaring at her.

"Malia. We talked about this. Rules of the wild kingdom? Don't apply to friends." Stiles said, walking closer to her.

Suddenly, Three guys came in with weapons. I blacked out when someone tazed me in the heart. When I woke up, Scott, Lydia and I were chained to chairs. Araya was talking to Scott so I remained quiet. Scott's screams caused me to flinch knowing that one of my closest friends was being tortured. I wanted to kick this fücking b!tch in the face. I jumped as Scott let out a huge roar before breaking free.

"Say the name." Araya said to Scott.

"Kate." He whispered.

Who's Kate?

Stiles, Scott, Lydia, Malia and Kira were in Stiles' jeep while I was riding on my own motorcycle next to Braeden. Yeah, I have a motorcycle now. It took me awhile to convince my dad to buy me one but my methods of persuasion never fail. I heard them talking about Kate. Suddenly, the jeep stopped causing Braeden and I to stop too.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Scott, We need to get there by night. It's too dangerous otherwise." Braeden said.

"Go." I said to my alpha.

"Not without you."

"Someone needs to find Derek. We'll think of something. We always do. Just go." Stiles said from behind me.

I watched as Kira told Scott to be careful before hugging him away. Aww. Scott hopped on the back of her motorcycle before they drove away.

"Stiles. We didn't hit something. Something hit us." Malia said, holding up a sharp, bone knife.

We were standing around the jeep as Stiles tried to fix it.

"Maybe we should just walk." I suggested.

"Hey. I will never abandon this jeep. You understand me? Ever." Stiles said before going back to fix it.

"Work faster. There's something out here with us." Malia mumbled.

I felt it too. Kira grabbed her sword before going to stand guard with Malia. Stiles and Lydia were bickering over a flashlight. Malia growled before running off with Kira behind her. I took off, running after them too.

"Scar. No!" Stiles yelled but I ignored him.

"Malia?" Kira called and I looked around.

Some grabbed my arm and I raised my arm to swing.

"It's just me." Malia said letting go of me.

"What happened? What's out there?" Kira asked her.

"Whatever it is, it's big and fast."

I heard an engine roar. Oh thank God. He fixed the jeep. We walked back to it. Stiles had a huge grin on his face. He loves this damn jeep so much. They piled into the jeep while I hopped on my motorcycle.

"I'd never leave without you. Them I would leave." I heard Malia tell Stiles.

Okay, there's definitely something going on with them. I heard Scott let out a huge roar that almost made me crash. We pulled up to where the location was to see Scott carrying someone out. Holy sh!t.

"Is that him? Is that Derek?" Malia asked.

"Kind of." I whispered staring at the younger version of Derek.

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