Laying the Foundations

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Japanese has three alphabets:

1). Hiragana (ひらがな)
2). Katakana (カタカナ)
3). Kanji (漢字)

All three worked in harmony, that is until the Katakanglish attacked. *cough* anyway...

The Hiragana alphabet is the building block of all Japanese. You must know this first before anything else. Otherwise you won't understand a thing.

Another alphabet very similar to Hiragana, but has special uses.

These are the Chinese characters adapted into Japanese. These are considered the hardest part of Japanese, and there is no questioning why.

Japanese is many languages in one. Not only does it have three ways of writing, but there are many forms of words depending on formality and politeness. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Get out a notebook if you want to, now let's get to memorizing some kana!

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