Katakana - カタカナ

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Katakana is literally the same thing— has the same sounds, same rules, and all that jazz. All you need to memorize is the new characters and a few other rules here and there and you're pretty much set for this one.


(Diacritics means dakuten and handakuten)

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(Diacritics means dakuten and handakuten)

So, what is this for? Why is it here? Well...

- Foreign words and names (usually English)
    About 20% of all Japanese words are these Japanglish words. I hate them. And you will too.

- onomatopoeia
    Like "bang" and "crash"

- emphasis
    "I never said she stole my money.."

- Scientific names
Homo sapiens


When you see a ー, this just means to prolong the preceding sound.
コンピュータ  konpyuuuuuuuta (computer)

"V" is not a sound in Japanese, so to compensate that, it will be replaced with either a B kana, or ウ with a dakuten and shrunken vowel proceeding.
ビデオ   video
ヴォッカ   vodka

Any Japanglish word with an F will look like this:
ファイト  fight
フォント  font

A ・indicates separate words. Since Japanese sentences do not split up according to individual words, a ・is used as a space marker.
ホモ・サピエンス Homo sapiens
シタインズ・ゲート Stein's Gate

Makes sense?

Practice time!

Can you read these?



Ringo - apple
Biiru- beer
Geemu - game
Bideo - video
Peko peko - hungry
Pika pika - sparkly
Igirisu - England
Reccheruu - Rachel
Karaoke - karaoke

How'd you do this go 'round?

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