Erwin's Orders until the Expedition

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Moblit didn't say anything as he walked next to you. He can hear you mumbling under your breathe as your brows furrowed in what seemed like anger. But as he watched your eyes, they were clearly shaking, upset about the whole situation.

"Hey, you alright?" he asked


You turned to him, shining him a confused smile as you tilted your head.

"Why are you asking?"

"Well, because of what happened back there"

You turned away from him as you began looking forward again.

"Nothing happened back there, I was just given an order to follow that's all"

"But Y/-"

You turned and flashed him a fake smile as you cut him off.

"I've seem to become too comfortable with my superiors, that I've forgotten my place that's all"

Moblit stared at your smiling face. It looked almost terrifying how quickly it's changed. Your eyes looked sunken and dead as your smile looked mediocre, awfully hiding the emotions that were swirling and bubbling within.

"Right" he breathed "It happens to the best of us, unintentionally"

"Right" you agreed


As Moblit reviewed various accumulated notes taken of Eren on a board, you sat at a messy desk that was cluttered with countless of papers and hundreds of different micro samples that sat next to a rather large microscope.

Your wrapped up hand twirled the vial of Eren's blood as you spaced out within your thoughts.

Erwin had no right to have become mad at you just because you didn't answer

You had told him multiple times that you had no idea how you felt. Nor did you know what you were doing. So what kind of answer did he expect from you?! Did he think his little speech was magically going to convince you to choose him?

 If anything it was you who had the right to be mad, for now Erwin made things more complicated for you, not allowing you to choose Eren even if it was on your own will.

As much as you did like Erwin, he was really acting out of character.

You let out a frustrated sigh as you decided to exit your thoughts right when you noticed the door had opened, Moblit entering the room.

Wasn't he just here? 

Maybe you just didn't hear him when he had exited a while ago, too lost in your thoughts.

You watched as he looked a bit nervous. His hand scratching the back of his head.

"Hey so I think Hange is spending a few nights at the Cabin in the forest. Commander Smith wants her to run experiments with Eren everyday since the Expedition is in a few weeks and he still hasn't learned how to control his titan abilities."

You furrowed your brows at him not understanding Erwin's commands

"But didn't he just say he wanted me to work with her in the lab?"

"Yes but, he said for you to do it on your own in the mean time. Hange did say however that if you note anything interesting or important to alert me so I can notify her and she'll come at once. She has gotten her own vial of blood from Eren, so she'll be conducting her own research as well at the cabin. I'll make sure to exchange your guys notes to each other"

"Fine, I mean that's fine. Thank you Moblit" you sent him a small smile

"Of course, so think of this as your own office in the mean time! Feel free to browse and use whatever you want. Hange can't actually wait to work with you, she's find you to be very helpful! She thinks with someone as smart as you, the survey will be bound to find more discoveries"  he beamed.

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