Part 8

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Robin and Conner were watching Starfire sleeping in a hospital room.

Conner: Dude, I can't believe she's a real alien.

Robin: I can't believe she destroyed our lair.

A human-machine hybrid knocked on the door. Robin opened it.

Robin: You're my contact? A robot?

Cyborg: A cyborg actually. One of my father's experiments destroyed most of my body. These mechanical parts is what's keeping me alive. It's a damn shame I couldn't finish high school because of this.

Meanwhile, Blackfire didn't noticed she was walking on a black mist.

Blackfire: How do I get out of here?

She looked down at a tiny red dot.

Blackfire: What the hell is that?

The red dot grew into a giant wave in front of her. It then transformed into the shape of an "s". It spoke with a demonic voice.

Trigon: Remember me?

Blackfire: Uh...yeah! You zapped me into this world! Why?!

Trigon: Because I need you.

Blackfire: To do what?

Trigon: To end the world of mortals.

Later, Beast Boy was walking until he saw two policemen.

Beast Boy: Shit! Ok. Just keep it cool.

When he walked passed them, one of them tripped him.

Beast Boy: Oh, shit!

He fell on his face.

Beast Boy: Ow!

When he sat up, the officer pointed his pistol at his head.

Police Man: Freeze, monster!

Beast Boy slapped his gun aside and then kicked him. He grabbed the second officer and threw both of them through the store window. Then he left the scene and ran through the woods.

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