Violence and conflict

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Violence / Conflict

Moment 1: Act 1 Scene 1

Conflict between Capulets and Montagues.

"My sword, I say! old Montague is come,"

Language analysis – exclamation mark shows heightened emotions (anger).

Effect on play and audience – sets the scene for entire play, showing that violence is a key theme throughout.

NEW INFO – warring families fight for no reason.

Moment 2: Act 1 Scene 5

Juliet's inter conflict.

"That I must love a loathed enemy."

Language analysis – uses 'must', meaning she has no choice but to love Romeo.

Effect on play and audience – sets both characters into action as they fall in love.

NEW INFO – love can change people, making them do brash things.

Moment 3: Act 3 Scene 1

Conflict between Tybalt and Romeo.

"Boy, this shall not excuse the injuries"

Language analysis – Tybalt describes how he was dishonoured by Romeo as being wounded by him, the exaggeration shows how he is willing to fight for his honour.

Effect on play and audience – pivotal to the plot of the play, since the conflict has grown so much that even love can't fix it and may even be the cause.

NEW INFO – people are violent for the sake of their honour.

Moment 4: Act 3 Scene 5

Conflict between Juliet and her father.

"My fingers itch."

Language analysis – metaphor emphasises anger

Effect on play and audience – forces Juliet to take drastic measures.

NEW INFO – parents were violent to their children when they were disobeyed.

AQA GCSE English Literature Paper 2 Romeo and JulietWhere stories live. Discover now