BONUS CHAPTER; What Else Can I Do?

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Isa picked up the cactus, mesmerised, "I just made something unexpected. Something sharp. Something new."

Confused, Mirabel looked around the room, her arms outstretched, "Isa, this is the part where we-"

Isabela, excited, ignored Mirabel and turned away holding her cactus, "It's not symmetrical or perfect but it's beautiful and it's mine. What else can I do?"

Mirabel tried to keep up, "Bring it in, bring it in. Good talk, bring it in, bring it in."

"What else can I do?"

"Good talk, bring it in, bring it in."

"Free hugs? Bring it in, bring it in."

Gorgeous flowers began to sprout all around Isabela, "I grow rows and rows of roses. Flor de mayo, by the mile. I make perfect practiced poses, so much hides behind my smile." The 22-year old eviscerated them with her new edgy plants.

"What could I do if I just grew what I was feeling in the moment."

"Do you know where you're going?"  Mirabel let out a gasp as she caught one of her sister's poses head.

"What could I do if I just knew it didn't need to perfect. It just needed to be? And they let me be?" 

Now Isabela was swinging on her bed that was made out of vines, her plants going crazy which created obstacles for Mirabel. "A hurricane of jacarandas, strangling figs (big!), hanging vines (this is fine!)."

Isabela created huge, crazy wax palms, "Palma de cera fills the air as I climb and I push through. What else can I do?"

Mirabel climbed to the top of the wax palm to join Isabela as the tree extended toward the roof, "Can I deliver us a river of sundew? Careful it's carnivorous, a little just won't do. I wanna feel the shiver of something new. I'm so sick of pretty, I want something true don't you?"

Mirabel looked at her sister and started to really understand her for the first time, "You just seem like your life's been a dream since the moment you opened your eyes."

"Whoa, how far do these roots go down? Whoa."

"All I know are the blossoms you grow but it's awesome to see how you rise..."

Mirabel took her sister's hand in hers as they began to sing together, "How far can you (I) rise, through the roof to the skies, let's go!"

They smashed through the roof and with Mirabel's encouragement, Isabela goes off, creating the most amazing combination of wonderful plants, "A hurricane of jacarandas (woo!), strangling figs (go!), hanging vines (grow!). Palma de cera fills the air as I climb and I push through."

"What else, what else?"

"What can you do when you are deeply, madly, truly in the moment?"

"Seize the moment, keep going!"

"What can you do when you know who you wanna he isn't perfect. But I'll still be okay."

"Hey, everybody clear the way."

As Mirabel encouraged Isabela to express herself with her unique foliage, the plants started emerging in town, smacking Mariano in the face again and rebreaking his nose. Abuela looked at the house horrified, and saw Isabela dancing with Mirabel, who eggs her on. Abuela's eyes go wide.


"I'm coming through with tabebuia."

"She's coming through with that booyah!"

They raced across the roof, spiraling on Isabela's wild new plants, a real bond forming between them for the first time, "Making waves."

"Making waves."

"Changing minds."

"You've changed mine."

They spin on a ramp of vines, twirling in front of the magic candle, but locked onto each other. Isabela pulled Mirabel in for a hug - one Mirabel forgot she was trying to get in the first place. As they hugged, Mirabel realised the candle burning brighter — the cracks receding, "The way is clearer 'cause you're here and well I owe this all to you. What else can I do?"

"Show 'em what you can do!"

"What else can I do?"

"There's nothing you can't do—"

"What else can I do!"

Isabela grabbed onto Mirabel as they began to dive through a kaleidoscope of plants and flowers, crashing down to the courtyard, landing in a leaf pile. Mirabel and Isabela lay in the pile of flowers, giddy, "You're a bad influence." Isabela smirked, flicking a flower off of her.

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