Chapter 3- Artha

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January 2 2000.

En route to Qua-Toyne Principality,

INS Viraat, Carrier Group West, Former Arabian Sea.

There was a slight drizzle, with the wind blowing across the aircraft carrier. Sunlight penetrated through the gaps in the clouds, brightening up what was supposed to be an overcast day. On the bridge of INS Viraat, Rear Admiral Karthik Salvi stood up from his chair.

He looked out at the flight deck, and observed one of the Sea Harriers preparing for take off as he recovered from the hangover from the previous day. Taking a sip of some tea from his mug, he could only grieve the loss of his vacation being cut short.

"Beautiful view isn't it, Admiral?"

Turning his head to the side, he saw a man dressed in a suit and tie, something which one rarely sees on a navy ship, unless they were important individuals from outside the navy.

"Ambassador?" Salvi asked a question instead of answering.

Ambassador Pradeep Kumar Sandhu stood there, admiring the ocean and the happenings of the flight deck. He watched with childlike curiosity as the Sea Harrier on the deck took off from the Ski-ramp.

"I always wanted to fly in one of these jets, be a pilot and fight for the country. I was eighteen when I tried to apply for the air force. Too bad they rejected me."

Upon hearing this, Rear Admiral Salvi noticed the pair of aviator spectacles the diplomat was wearing. Making an educated guess, he spoke up, "Poor eyesight?"

"Yes sir, poor eyesight it was. Eighteen out of twenty was my score, left me quite sad for some time, made me even question why I even took science."

"But I suppose it was all for the best."

Salvi took a few moments to think what to say, as he could compare what happened to Ambassador Sandhu to what happened to him once.

"Well, you know what they say, Ambassador. It's all God's plan. We just have to make the best out of what we face."

"Indeed, Admiral." Ambassador Sandhu responded. "But hey, I decided to not just wear simple glasses. At least when I'm aboard an Aircraft Carrier. How many times will I get the opportunity to look cool?"

The Rear Admiral smiled at that. He could understand the sentiment. "So, those aviators have numbered lenses?"

"Quite right." Came the reply.

"That might have been expensive." Rear Admiral Salvi commented.

"Cost me an arm and a leg." Ambassador Sandhu replied, before finishing it with, "And two eyes."

"Oh my God." Rear Admiral Salvi groaned as he looked to the deck and saw the shooter from the ground crew giving the go ahead for the Sea Harrier to be launched. With a roar, the Sea Harrier was speeding across the deck and was then in the air within five seconds.

As the two looked at another Sea Harrier preparing itself for take off, Captain Amit Goswami, the XO of the ship and its second in command, entered the bridge with a clipboard in hand. With the current technology present, only documents on paper could be carried about.

"Admiral sir, the reports have arrived." He announced.

"Good. What do they state?" The admiral responded.

"Firstly, Navy HQ has managed to reestablish contact with the Eastern fleet. The INS Chakravartin and her fleet are reported to be docked at the INS (Indian Naval Station) Jarawa in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands." Goswami reported.

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