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   15 days later, it was Mavlyn Weekend, where Macie and I celebrated both of our birthdays for three days. hers was on friday, mine was on sunday. yeah, I know, it cant be on a weekend every year, but this year it was. but we just celebrated for three days straight, doing pretty much whatever we wanted. going to the mall, streaming, hanging out with a couple friends, facetiming some of the dream smp members, etc,. dream barely made it to MCC because he had called to wish me a happy birthday the moment I woke up and texted him good luck for MCC, which I was still confused about why he would do that. He couldve just called after the event, but whatever. so thats what Macie and I did on the first day of the weekend, watch the MCC.

As soon as the weekend was over, Macie and I took our moms to lunch. now that Macie was 18, she could move to wherever she wanted to.

We ordered our food (Wataburger, perfect choice for convincing moms to let you move to another state.) and then picked a table to sit at. I sipped at my dr. pepper and Macie her coke, as we waited for our moms to stop talking about flowers or some shit so we could get to the more important business. We stared expectanly at the two for a minute or two before my mom noticed and sighed. "What is it?" she asked.

"Well," I said, glad to finally have their attention. "I found an apartment."

The moms nodded, Mrs. Green looking at Macie. "The one in Florida?" she asked us. we nodded.

"In florida?" my mom asked, confused. Apparently Mrs. Green hadnt told her anything.

I nodded. "Yes, Orlando, Florida... its in a nice area." The moms stared at us for a moment.

"Why Florida?" my mom asked, while Mrs. Green said, "Its gotta be expsensive if its in a nice area."

"Florida's nice, mom. Its warm all the time. Plus, we have some friends there." I explained to her.

Macie told her mom, "we'll make it work, I mean, we make a lot of money now, dont we? We could get jobs if we need them.

"Why dont you do that anyway?" my mom asked me.

"because I like streaming?" I said. "I need a lot of time to do that."

"playing video games all day everyday isnt good for you."

I rolled my eyes. We have this same arguement all the time. "So? it makes money, and I like it." she shrugged.

"Whatever, go where you want, I don't care. Its up to your dad."

"You're kidding me, right?" I asked her. "Im twenty, I dont need you and dad's permission." she just shrugged. I rolled my eyes.

"Same for you, macie. we'll talk to your dad about it. And you especially wont be going anywhere until you graduate." Mrs. Green ignored May's eyeroll. Who did these two think they were? We were both adults. We could leave if we wanted. Period. Graduation or not. Well, I take that back. graduating is a big thing.

A lady brought us our food and we ate mostly in silence. Well, me and Macie did, our moms talked about this flower shop that went out of bussiness and how they missed it. Eventually I was fed up with them just moving on as if we didnt exist, talking about flipping FLOWERS, so I asked Macie if she wanted to go to the playground that was by the Wataburger. She agreed and we threw our garbage away and left without saying anything to our mothers. We were adults, we could go where we wanted, and didnt need to tell them. They didnt question us, anyway.

We sat on the swings and scrolled through twitter and Instagram. dream had posted on Instagram, and I liked it and decided wether or not I should comment, and if yes, then what should I say?

I decided against commenting, because I  knew as soon as I did I'd regret it and just delete it anyway. I got a notification that Macie tagged me in a comment and I immediately knew it was on dream's post. I looked up at her on the swing beside mine, and she looked at me with an evil grin. Then she suddenly leaped for my phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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