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Kiara decided to play with some cars and have them race between the 2 boxes. She turned to Calli and asked "Mommy, can you race against me?"

"Of course I can, baby." Calli moved over and crouched beside Kiara and grabbed a blue car, so her baby grabbed a yellow car.

"The start is the toy box and the finish is the special box." Kiara and Mori both put their cars on the start. "3 2 1 GO!" The phoenix announced. She pushed her car as hard as she could and it when speeding past the special box. Calli on the other hand, kept her hand on the car and was only halfway.

She looked back at Kusotori and smiled. "You didn't say we could just push the cars." Kiara looked proud after winning the race anyway. The reaper said "It looked like you disserve a prize."

"Really, a prize. I wanna cookie. NO I wanna nurse. NO I want cummies!"

"Hold on, Kusotori. I've already decided a prize. Just wait here." Calli left for the kitchen, leaving Kiara to wonder what it would be.

Calli came back with Kiara's pacifier, but with the nipple tinted a different colour. Kiara new it meant that she'd dipped it in some flavouring and got visibly exited; jumping up and down. "Calm down Kusotori." The chicken blushed and sat on the floor cross-legged. To match her height, Mori knelt down and held the paci in front of Kiara's face. It was imeadtatly snatched by her baby's greedy mouth.

Kiara sucked vigorously, moaning from enjoying the blueberry flavour. "Remember, you can't talk with the paci in and you can't take it out without me saying."

Kiara nodded with a resounding "Mhm."

Calli held her by the chin and said "Go back to playing like a good girl, mommy's just going to watch some TV."

Takamori's Little WeekendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora