Chapter 18

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"Your love is like a soldier, loyal till you die." James Blunt, Bonfire Heart


Chapter Eighteen

Simon knew that they were riding too quickly, especially across the marshy meadow. The horses would slip if they were not careful. Though he knew that Alexandra and Imogen needed to be home in time for luncheon. Something told him that they did not have permission to be out alone with two men. While he applauded their bravery, he certainly did not want to be on the receiving end of whatever their father would have in store for him and Joaquín should Emmett find out.

Simon kept a close eye on Imogen's posture. The minute she started to slump, he would reach for her horse's reins and pull her over onto his horse. It made him nervous to see her travelling at such speed.

He could see the concentration on her face as she rode, and he was so proud of her. For someone who believed that she was weak, she was the strongest person he had ever encountered.

He felt overwhelmed with affection for her. She was beyond anything he could ever have imagined. He truly fell in love with her while she was scolding him, something he never could have foreseen. She was telling him things that he had heard a thousand times from countless comrades, but it had not made sense before it had come from her.

Would you rather be dead?

The shocking question had thrown him, and he had truly realised the alternate outcome of the shooting. Simon had never really thought about what had happened to him, merely what had happened to George Hepburn. Of course, he remembered the pain of convalescing, but he had never really thought about how close to death he had come. Something dreadful had happened to him, and he had not once allowed himself to feel that.

He did not want to be dead. He wanted to move on from his guilt. He wanted to live, and he wanted Imogen to be a part of that life.

So he had kissed her. Simon did not regret that decision for a moment. It was such a freeing moment.

Simon had kissed dozens on young ladies in his youth, but none compared to the surprised and inexperienced lips of the woman he loved.

Simon's attention was taking from Imogen's back in a split second when he saw Alexandra's horse rear. The horse had spooked. Simon instantly realised why. The marshy ponds were the ideal habitat for grass snakes, and he saw the four foot reptile disappear into the water. "Snake!" he cried out as he controlled his own horse, preventing him from rearing as well.

Simon went to reach for the reins on Imogen horse but it was too late. Moon had reared as well, but Imogen did not have the strength to hold on. Simon was helpless as Imogen fell from her saddle and landed on the ground with a thud.

"Imogen!" screamed Alexandra as she struggled to calm her horse.

Moon bolted away as Simon jumped down from his saddle to tend to Imogen. He did not know if Imogen had landed on her back or her head. He did not know if she was unconscious or dead. His stomach flipped at the though.

Please do not be dead, he prayed.

He knelt down on the damp ground and turned her head towards him so that he could feel her pulse. As he did so, he saw that she was bleeding from a cut to the temple. He thanked God when he felt her heart beating strong.

"She is alive," he announced as he placed one of his arms around her back and the other underneath her knees.

"Oh, thank God," cried Alexandra as she nearly fainted into Joaquín's arms.

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