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Sand beneath my toes
Salty sea air in my nose
The gentle wind blows through my hair
And the feeling of serenity is in the air

The waves will come and hug my body if I stand in the sea
In this moment, there is nowhere else I'd rather be

Whether the water is warm or icy against my skin,
I still feel a sense of happiness within

I could stand still,
Or maybe go for a swim
Days like this are always a thrill
And my attitude while I'm here will never dim

Maybe I'll go for a walk along the shore
Find one seashell, maybe some more
Maybe I'll just relax under the sun
No matter what I do, I know I'll have fun

I am where I always want to be
What I'm feeling is more than happy
And I know that once I leave,
I'll have memories that are too good to believe

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