Part 1

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WE DID IT!!! We just released our first album! We celebrated with a pizza and binge watched a bunch of movies. It was great!
"I'm gonna head to bed" I say
They all say goodnight as I head upstairs into my room. I don't typically sleep in my room, usually me and Louis prefer to sleep in the same room because we don't like being alone, but I figured to just deal with it tonight.

~~~~a year later~~~~~

"Harry....I need to tell you something"
" you..."
"No you don't"
"Yes I do"
"Get away from me"
I run into my room slamming and locking the door. Why was I reacting this way??? I've liked him all this time...I just don't know why he likes me back.
"Harry...please...pretend I never said anything"
"I don't want to...pretend..." I say opening my door meeting him face to face.
"Please...I don't want to lose you"
"Louis...I like you too...I didn't mean to react the way I did, I just was shocked I didn't think that would ever happen"
"It's okay maybe we should have an actual conversation"
After a conversation or two we had decided to just stay friends for now but maybe become more later on.
~~~~the next day~~~~
"Simon wants the band to meet up later"
"Why for?"
"He didn't say"
So we went and discussed a few things at the meeting.
"Harry will you please stay after everyone else leaves we need to have a private conversation"
"Okay" I wonder why?
So we discuss music videos and our next album, then everyone leaves. Except for me.
"Harry...I've noticed that you seem to have an interest in I correct?"
"Well...yeah but we agreed to just be friends"
"He doesn't like you Harry...he likes someone else and I just don't want you to get hurt, it would be bad for the band"
"What do you mean? He said he likes me"
"He likes a girl named Eleanor...he told me about it and how he was using you for attention"
"Well...there's always other people available for you Harry...maybe if you just changed how you look a bit you could have anyone you want"
"What do you mean change my look?"
"I mean you have quite a bit of chub...maybe workout and diet? And fix your hair and style that's the only way he would ever like you"
"Oh okay...thanks for letting me know may I leave now?"
"Yes I'll see you sometime soon Harry"
I walk outside assuming I'd have to walk home, but to my surprise the boys waited in the car for me.
"So what was that about?"
I try to hold in my tears desperately not wanting them to know.
"Just the music"
They hadn't believed me and it was evident but didn't push any questions
"Can we get food?" Niall says
"Yeah let's go through a drive through"
Everyone said what they wanted except for me. If I got something the chub would never go away.
"What do you want Harry?"
"I'm not hungry..." I say looking down to hide the lie
Just then my stomach growled
"You sound hungry"
"IM NOT! OKAY?!" I yell
They went silent but we soon arrived at mine and Louis's house after they'd decided to have a sleepover. Before anyone can say a thing I walk quickly up the stairs and into my room. I locked the door, something I never do and just sobbed. I couldn't breath and my body felt weak but all I could do is cry uncontrollably.  It had been an hour and still I was crying on and off. I hear someone try to open my door but dial due to the lock.
"Why is your door never lock it"
"No reason I'm just uhm I'm changing"
"But you never lock your door even then...let me in please..."
"I uhm I'm busy"
"Okay hold on just a second louis" I throw on my baggiest pair of sweatpants and the biggest hoodie I own
I opened the door letting louis in just sitting on my bed silently.
"What did you and Simon actually talk about?"
"It doesn't matter I don't want to talk about it"
"We need to Harry! You've been off ever since that moment"
"There's nothing to talk about..."
"Clearly there is"
"I'm fine louis...really"
"You don't seem fine"
"Well I am"
"Will you at least come hang out with all of us"
So we walk downstairs and sit down with everyone. I was freezing, but I didn't want it to show so I just hugged myself. Partly to cover my huge stomach and partly to keep myself warm.
"You okay?" Zayn, who was right next to me, whispered
"I'm boredddddd" Niall whines
"Then let's do something" Liam says
"Like?" Louis asks and just hearing his voice makes my heart ache
"Truth or dare?" Zayn asks
Everyone agrees so I just go with it.
"Let's make it interesting, if you don't want to do the dare or answer the truth then you have to take a shot" Liam says
"Good idea" louis responds
"Truth or dare Harry" zayn questions
"Hmm truth"
"What were you and Simon really talking about earlier?"
I grab a shot glass and fill it then down it quickly.
After just a few rounds, I was so drunk I couldn't think straight. Everyone has tried to ask me in a different way what Simon told me, but I would not budge.
"Maybe we should stop...Harry is drunk" louis says
"No let's keep playing" I say
"Truth or dare louis" Niall asks
"Hmmm dare"
"I dare you to kiss Harry"
So he gets up next to me and tries to kiss me but I push him off.
"OOOO rejected!" Zayn jokes
He tries again, but again I push him off. I hate him for lying to me, I love him but I have never been this hurt.
"Why won't you just kiss me?"
"Cus I don't kiss people who don't like me"
"What? I do like you we were just talking about this yesterday"
"No you don't you like Eleanorrrrr"
"Harry...who told you that?"
The boys were just sitting there awkwardly
"I don't want to talk to you just keep playing game" I say leaning up giving him a small peck so his dare was complete
"Okay anywaysss truth or dare Liam" louis asks
"Who's your least favorite in the band"
He takes a shot
"Truth or dare zayn"
"I dare you to call Simon and says he's an asshole"
"Fucking bet"
He calls Simon
"Simon you are such an asshole and I don't know what the hell you said to Harry but you are a bitch and I hope you know that and live with guilt on your shoulders forever you bastard"
He didn't even say it was a dare before hanging up
"Thanks zayn"
"Of course anything for you"
"Truth or dare Harry"
"You can't take a shot for the rest of the game"
"Ugh okay"
"Truth or dare Niall"
"Chug a whole bottle"
He did it with ease
A few more rounds
"Truth or dare Harry"
"What did Simon say to you today?"
I go to take a shot but zayn quickly reminds me of his previous dare
"I don't want to talk about it"
"You have to"
"Answer the question we're asking cus we care"
"Ask Simon what he said"
"No I'm asking you"
"I...I  can't" I break into tears burying my face in my hands
"'re okay..."
"No no I'm not I'm fat and I'm disgusting and my style stinks and my hair is too long and I'm not beneficial to the band"
"Harry...none of that is true..."
"But it is..."

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