The Mortality Within

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In Gibbs' hospital room directly after Kate's murder
Gibbs: Hey Dinozzo have you seen Kate? She wanted to talk to me about something. I figured it was something important about the war and Deucalion or something like that.
Tony: Boss I have bad news. Kate, she's um. I don't know how to tell you this without breaking down to be honest. I've never been one to show my emotions to anyone because that's not how Dinozzo men were raised but it's so hard right now. Deucalion murdered her right in front of me and she died in Derek's arms. I'm a mess Gibbs. I don't know if I'll ever be ok.
Gibbs: Tony. It's ok to cry. Let it out if you have to. She was family. She was like my daughter!!! Why did he have to do this? I feel like turning and killing him right now but I know that's not what Kate would want. She'd want us to not risk our lives on some suicide mission to kill Deucalion.
Tony: Scott said that our werewolf transformations are tied to our emotions so when we're grieving it's harder to not wolf out ya know. We have to make an effort to not shift in public.
Gibbs: I understand. Now please leave. I want to be alone for right now. I promise I won't try to hurt myself. I'll be ok Tony.
Tony: Ok. I'll be out in the hallway if you need anything.
McGee: Oh God. She's actually gone. I can't believe it. It's Kate!!! Like she can't die like this!!!! She just can't!!! Please!!!! God!!!!
Down in the morgue
Ducky: Oh Kate. I'm so sorry that this happened to you. Deucalion will get what's coming to him but for now I have to get you ready for your funeral by stitching up where he clawed you. *stitches up the area that Deucalion clawed her while also removing pieces of his claws* Caitlin Todd I'm so sorry. *kisses her on the forehead* You deserved better. I promise you I won't let this break me like Deucalion is expecting. I won't let him win.
Back up in the main hospital
Tony: I CANNOT BELIEVE HE DID THIS!!! KATE!!!!! I'M SO ANGRY RIGHT NOW. FUCK SECRECY AND NOT EXPOSING THE SUPERNATURAL SIDE OF BEACON HILLS. SHE IS GONE!!! I don't care who sees me. I'm turning and there is no one to stop me. I'll kill Peter and Deucalion. Both of them. I don't care if I survive this. I'm so sorry Gibbs I know I promised. *turns into a werewolf and runs out of the hospital*

 *turns into a werewolf and runs out of the hospital*

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Scott: Tony!!! Shit!!!! He gave into his wolf side. Into the grief. This is what Deucalion wanted. They wanted him to expose us. Shit!!! This isn't what Kate would have wanted......
Derek: Kate please come back to me. Please!!! Don't be dead.... Please God bring her back to me!!!!! I'm heartbroken.

Lydia: Kate

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Lydia: Kate.... Oh no!!!! *runs over to the morgue to make sure that her Banshee premonition was wrong* Oh God. Caitlin!!!! Why!?!?! Why did Deucalion have to do this???? Why??? She was so young. God no.

At Deucalions place

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At Deucalions place

Deucalion: Tony Dinozzo!! No use in hiding from me I can here your heartbeat.
Tony: YOU KILLED HER!!! You deserve to die for what you did. *turns into a werewolf* now you are going to know what it's like to die bleeding out on the floor from your chest being clawed up by another werewolf.
Deucalion: Try it. Unless you have a death wish. Wait, you loved her, didn't you? She loved Derek and it broke your heart. Knowing she could love a werewolf and it wasn't you. How sad.
Tony: SHUT UP!!! NOW!!! You will pay for what you did to her. *claws his face up so that he's bleeding out* That was for Kate you monster.
Scott: *runs in to find Deucalion on the ground holding his face trying to stop the blood from pouring out* WHAT DID YOU DO?!?! ANSWER ME TONY!!!!
Tony: I avenged my best friend. Something you didn't have the balls to do!!! KATE SHOULD STILL BE HERE!!! SHE SHOULD BE MARRYING DEREK NOT LAYING ON A SLAB IN THE MORGUE!!!!!! He even made Gibbs hurt Derek. WHEN DOES IT END?!?! HUH? When he's dead or we are. That's war Scott!!! That's what it is. Sometimes there's casualties. Deucalion will be one of those casualties.
Deucalion: That's what I turned you into Tony!!! A killer. I showed you your true colors and now Scott is afraid of his Beta. I mean look at him!! He's terrified. You're just like me. You don't want to admit it but it's the truth. Now if I die today you have to live with that. With the fact that you killed me!!! Could you stomach that Dinozzo!!!!
Tony: Shut. Up. Now. I'm so sick of you!!! First making Gibbs do that to Derek and then killing Caitlin? You don't deserve to live. You don't deserve to breathe the same air as we do. Enjoy the trip to Hell. I heard it gets hot down there. *claws Deucalion's throat killing him instantly*
Scott: Tony, what have you done!!! Peter will come after us now!!! You've doomed us all on some mission to avenge a girl who loved you as as friend only!!! Seriously!!!! Kate wouldn't have wanted this!!!
Tony: Sometimes you have to make the hard choices in life Scott!!! Sometimes people die on both sides. That is what war is. It's just Hell. Hell on earth. Now I'm leaving. I'd suggest you do the same before Peter gets back. Unless you want to be ripped to shreds. *turns into a werewolf and runs out of the house*

 *turns into a werewolf and runs out of the house*

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Back at the hospital
Tony: It's done. It's over. We won. I did what I had to do. Make the hard choice!!!!
Chris: Tony what exactly did you do? Don't tell me you did what I think you did. Tell me you didn't kill Deucalion!!! You did didn't you? There's blood on your claws. Dinozzo!!!!!
Tony: Yeah I killed him. All of you didn't have the guts to avenge our sister who's lying on a slab down in the morgue!!!! You guys don't have the stomach for this war. Maybe you should just go home. I work better solo. If that means Scott kicks me out if his pack and I become an Omega werewolf then so be it. He hates that I killed him. It's that dumb True Alpha mentality. Well sometimes we have to get our claws dirty in war!!!! Sometimes PEOPLE DIE!!!! INNOCENT PEOPLE!!!!
Ducky: Like poor Caitlin Todd. I understand where you're coming from Tony. I'll stand by you even if it means I can get hurt in this war. I'll never leave you.
McGee: Neither will I. You're my brother Tony. I mean that.
Gibbs: Dinozzo you did something stupid and it may come back to bite all of us in the ass but I don't blame you for it. No matter what happens you're like my son. Now let's bury Kate.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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