Chapter 9: Inefficacious

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Frozen in place, eyes locked onto Esra's as she held back the Dweller, Danny was unable to move. The beast snarled and snapped at her throat, saliva oozed from its jaw in anticipation for a bite of flesh. The guys turned around to find that Danny was still too close to the fight, Arny drew in a deep breath and called to him, "Danny come on! We gotta give her space! She can't fight that thing without worrying about us, so move your ass!"

Snapping back into it he knew his friends were right. Shutting his eyes Danny turned to run. Relieved that the guys were out of range Esra focused on her own fight. Putting power into her hind legs she forced the beast off of her. While it was still unbalanced she quickly turned to grab it by the neck. Her large, white, fangs latched onto the dark abyss that was the dweller's skin, attempting to pierce the surface. The roar of pain it let out caused the guys to look back once more only now at a distance.

Arny ran up to Leon who was still holding his own with the spell. "What can we do to help?"

Seeing the concerned looks on their faces, Leon didn't have the heart to deny them a chance to alleviate said concern. "You... boy with the long black hair..."

All eyes turned to Brandon, an awkward feeling made him look around, realizing that Leon meant him Brandon raised a finger to point at himself. "You mean me? My name's Brandon dude...."

"Very well Brandon... you're a man of magic I see... then I have a task for you and your.... little friend here. " Leon nodded towards Arny.

Will struggled to hold in his laugh, he covered his mouth to help stifle it. Arny by this point had an annoyed look on his face, "Come on did you really have to say little?!"

"It matters not, you guys wanted to help so I'll tell you how. Since you are experienced with magic and spells I want you to maintain the one I've cast. Your compatibility is irrelevant since it's already built and active, you simply need to supply it with your mana. Can you do that?"

With a confident smile and a hand through his hair, Brandon scoffed, "No sweat I can totally handle this bruh."

Leon gave an amused smirk at Brandon's overconfidence. Looking to Arny now he continued, "As for you I want you on top of that wall igniting some flames surrounding the horde and slowly increasing it to keep them all in one spot. Being that you're all guardians your powers can instantly purify the smaller beings." Looking now to Will who looked slightly lost and left out, "You swordsman, together we will leap over the wall and start cutting down the bigger ones and any who try to evade or escape."

Now ignited with anticipation to help, Will slapped a hand to his head in a salute. "YES SIR! I look forward to fighting next to you!"

Last but not least was Danny, his focus was split between what was going on and fighting off the growing concern Voltaire was feeling for Esra. Yet another downside to sharing a body, is the fact that they can feel each other's emotions as if they were their own. Leon's eyes drifted from Danny upwards to watch Esra engaged in battle.

The dweller was fighting hard to get her to release her grasp on its throat. Using brute strength it began beating on Esra's face and body, but the impacts only made her grip that much tighter. The skin's surface was too tough to simply bite through, however, she was in no position to get the momentum needed to rip off the piece of its neck. Leon's concern lessened once he noticed the look in Esra's eyes, they were filled with blood lust, and determination. No way in hell was she letting that thing escape, or even live for that matter. The dwellers' flesh squished and oozed a black substance, her fangs had finally sunken in. Now clawing and pulling, she whipped her head around trying to tear a piece off. The black blood-like liquid pooled on the ground beneath them, Esra's paws and fur were coated. It was in that observation that Leon had an idea.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2022 ⏰

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