Chapter 16 - New Doors

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Alie watched Darrel dig through his backpack like he had no idea of its contents but he was sure it was full of treasure. "What are you doing?"

   "Play along," Michael whispered beside her.

   "Okay...?" She placed a hand on her stomach and raised her voice, too. "A snack sounds great! I'm famished."

   Darrel gave a quiet snort. "Subtle," he muttered under his breath.

   "Well, why don't you explain what's going on, then?" she hissed back.

   He pulled out the butterfly crystal, carefully wrapped in its pocket of silk, and tossed it at her. "Eat up," he instructed.

   Michael leaned up against her, his voice a low, deep rumble. "The crystal opens doors to new worlds," he explained.

   Alie's cheeks warmed with embarrassment. In all the chaos of the night, she had completely forgotten about the crystal's power. "Right," she muttered softly, because it was all she could think to say.

   "Just don't let anyone see what you're doing," Darrel added under his breath. He tossed a small wrapped package up to Michael and rose with one for himself in hand. Raising the food up in solute to their guard, he peeled back the cloth wrapping and tore off a bite of some sort of jerky.

  "Face the wall," Michael advised. As she turned, he casually placed himself in front of her to keep her out of direct sight of their guard.

   Alie pulled back the silk drawstring just enough to glimpse the yellow crystal inside. With a tender touch, she brushed her fingers against the surface.

   Magic tingled awake at her touch.

   "Hold on to me, guys," she said. "Last time, you got stuck in the time freeze."

   "You want me to hold you?" Darrel's grin spread wide.

   "That's not what she said," Michael snapped. He slid his shoe across the dirt and pressed the side of his foot against hers. "Stop hitting on her."

   "Sorry. Couldn't resist." With a wink, Darrel rested his elbow lazily on her shoulder.

   Alie rolled her eyes, then focused her attention on the crystallized butterfly. "This might take a second." She rubbed her palm over the stone, giving the magic inside time to respond.

   Down the street, a large, black carriage driven by what Alie supposed was magic rounded the corner. A group of guards accompanied it, surrounding it on all sides. Everyone around turned to stare at its approach. Conversations died out. Officers stopped writing out their reports. All activity on the street stopped as the carriage drew closer.

   Alie knew why. The carriage carried with it the same dark aura of the Evil. She could practically see the haunting energy radiate off of its top like wisps of smoke.

   Darrel pushed harder on her shoulder. "Second's up," he muttered fearfully.

   "Okay," Alie nodded. She pulled the crystal out of its pouch. "Get us out of here, little butterfly."

   As it had in the Unknown World, magic flooded from the crystal out in all directions. Everything around her instantly froze. The air became still and silent. Aside from her and Michael and Darrel, no one so much as stirred.

   And beside them, standing tall and proud, lay an archway to another world that had not been there just the moment before.

   Darrel gave a low, long whistle. It sounded too full for the stillness that surrounded them. "So, this is what it's like to freeze time, huh? Cool."

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