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The calender reads "January 8th"
She turns her back on it for her own sake
Walks out to the frozen lake
"Can't I for once just get a break?"

It's that day of the year again
The day she washed her hands of her pain
The day she left them on the dark narrow lane
Delusional she was, oh so insane
Now they live rent free inside her brain

As she remembers their broken bodies,
Their empty eyes, their pale skin,
She questions her decisions, her choices, her sins
"Is this how I really wanted to win?"
Her morals lie, yet again, at the bottom of a bin
"I'm twisted, I'm cruel"
no Yang, all Yin

She watches the sun fall down
Staring at the blood stained crown
For whom she'd let so many drown
Adorned with rust, a nasty brown
It's about time she packs up and leaves this town
For all that she desired is nowhere around

She's lost her peace, her grace
Her nervousness visible in her pace
Wrinkles embellishing her once pretty face
Her eyes water, her past is a mace
"When did it turn into a race?"
It all just vanished without a trace

She remembers it all clear as day
How she had washed her hands of her pain
Dark it was once, a night so gray
Rain pouring down on the empty highway,
"Flee" it echoed inside her head
"FLEE!!" before you too are dead
Running away to the wilderness
Her hair in tangles, her hands stained red
Cautious, careful, anxious tread
Panting, falling, so out of breath
Choking on words, on pain, on lead

Pitiful she was, alone after dark
Hoping she hadn't somehow left behind a mark
Fate so cruel, sweet as a poison tart
Her sneakers soaking wet in her best friend's blood
She struggled to cover it up with wet mud

Her brain drenched in horror, agony
Her dress filthy, her smile so phony
Peeking around the corners
Make sure no one's around
Her sanity is gone, nowhere to be found
Yet she made it to the other side, safe and sound

She dragged their corpses, glancing, peeking
Someplace to dump them was she seeking
As she opened up her trunk again
Her brow sweaty, in her temple, a throbbing vein
Her eyes fell onto her dead mother
Her father, as well as her brother
Welling up in tears, her soul, it shuddered

Sorrow took over, flooded her mind
Thinking of when her eyes were kind
Wiping away her tears on her sleeve
She reminded herself that she can't leave
Stopped at the corner of a deserted street
By the lamp post, their bodies she heaved
No time to stop, no time to grieve

She fled, no one suspected her
Never caught, she was, far too clever
But was it even worth the endeavour?
All the effort, the cold blooded murder?
A gruesome, calloused, twisted matter

At the time, it felt like success
Now she's nothing but a mess
Settling willingly for anything less
Wallowing in her gloom, she's merciless
Although apparently washed is her dress
She still sees it soaking wet, blood red

She'd forgotten the consequences of her actions
How would she survive, what would even happen
She did it to protect her peace, her soul
Yet guilt consumes her one and whole
Everyday she lives, she dies
She neither has purpose, nor goals,
Her life is a pile of sweet nothings, cruel lies

Alas there's nothing she can do no more
Imprinted on her brain, is a dreadful lore
A polaroid of the mangled four
It shakes her to her very core
The bell rings, there's no one at the door
Mental hunger and starvation in galore
Hollow she is, used to the sores
Joy. What is it anymore?

A buncha dark poems, scribbled nothings Where stories live. Discover now