chapter 29 Symphny's family help her get over the orphanage

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       Krissy's pov  me and clarity  were triing to calm Symphony down  because she just started criing it was not easy for us to do.  I think we might need some help with this  calming  Symphony I mean  I said to clarity yes we  do she agreed. Well who is her fav 5sos  member  I ask clarity  um not sure she hanes out  a lot with all of them  clarity  told me.  I have a good idea we tell the 5sos  guys to all come here  so we can calm down  Symphony  together  so it will not be just me and you  I told clarity  sounds like a good idaa  Clarity agreed.  I went into the kitchen to get 5sos  while Clarity  stayed  with symphony Hey krissy what is wrong  asked Calum can you all help us calm  down symphony  because she is criing I told  them okay we are coming luke said thanks I told them.
    Clarity's  pov  Krissy came back  with the 5sos  guys  and I explained  to them  what Symphony told me and krissy.  I told them  that symphony was thinking about the bad orphanage that she came  from  and that's when she started criing.  Calum sat next to symphony and gave her a big hug  and told her that everything will be okay.  I sat next to symphony and talked to her  about positive stuff to get her mind off of the orphanage and krissy  just stood there  and told  Symphony  positive stuff as well.
      Symphony's pov  Everyone was surounding me and talking to me and telling  me  positive  things they liked about me like how smart I am. Krissy and clarity went back upstairs  and the 5sos guys were talking to me still which helped me calm down.  They all gave me a group hug and told me they love me  which I  was really happy about.  Symphony if this happenes again don't be shy you can talk to us Calum told  me o right I will I just didn't  know this time  I admeted to them.  I walked upstairs to my room after  I  talked to 5sos  and I went to krissy's  room to hang out with her and clarity was there too.  So what are we going to do now I asked just chill and listen to music Krissy told me okay Thanks for being my sisters I told krissy and clarity  your welcom they both told me back we love  you Symphony they said in unison love you both too I said back to them.

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