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You take a deep breath, brushing back your (H/C) hair in the mirror. You know you shouldn't be nervous, but... you force yourself to smile as you brush out any wrinkles in your kimono and exit the room.

Slowly, you head down the stairs of your father's gorgeous estate and stop yourself at the foyer. He'll be here any minute now...


You turn around at the sound of your name. "Yes, mother?" you ask the woman, her long hair intricately tied up.

"He's here," she replies softly, gently cupping your cheek with her hand.

You force another smile as you say back, "Of course." 

Your mother links arms with you, using her free arm to open the large front doors. Outside is your father, uncle, brother, and... your husband.

He looks different from the last time you saw him though- his white hair was down at his shoulders, and he was wearing a dark red robe that matched his eyes. Now, however, his uneven hair is tied back into a ponytail, accented with a gemstone headband. His robe has been replaced with a sleeveless Demon Slayer Corps uniform, two golden bands wrapping around his muscular arms.

"(Y/N)," your father says coldly, "Come here. Your husband has been kept waiting."

"I'm very sorry," you bow before the man. Tengen, his name was.

"It's alright," the man says, "You're here now and that's what's important- and looking very flashy no less."

Tengen turns to your father and says, "We should really get going."

"Of course," you father replies, "Though, are you really sure about (Y/N)?"

"What ever do you mean?" Tengen asks, crossing his arms.

"Well you see, (Y/N) has always been the disappointment of the family. Are you sure you wouldn't prefer her sister, Sakura, instead? You know she's been known for her beauty-."

"Yes, I'm quite sure," Tengen cuts him off, "Now if you excuse me, (Y/N) and I should really be going." At that, the man spins you by your shoulders, facing you away from your family and towards the path leading away from the estate. He starts walking, pushing you not-so-gently as a gesture for you to follow.

After a few silent minutes of walking, you arrive at a horse drawn carriage. Tengen opens the door for you and extends his hand to help you up. Then, he climbs up himself, shutting the door behind him. Once the door is closed, the driver snaps the reins and the carriage begins moving. "Are you tired?" Tengen asks out of nowhere.

Yes. I was up all night last night due to nerves. "No," you lie.

"You don't need to lie to me," Tengen says, "I can tell you're tired. I dont mind if you sleep on the way."

"Thank you, Tengen-sama," you reply, bowing slightly in your seat.

You hear him chuckle. "Cute," he says softly.

You let out a sigh. Father was right, you think to yourself, Sakura is beautiful, smart, and would be head over heels for Tengen. But me...? He's not really my type.

You glance over to the man, his legs spread out and his arms resting behind his head. Definitely not my type.


At last, the carriage finally arrives at its destination; Tengen's estate. By now, then sun has set completely, and a small crescent moon has situated itself in the sky. Just as the two of you hop out of the car, you hear a woman from behind you yell, "Tengen-samaaaaaa!" Your head whips around to see a woman with long black hair running towards you, followed by two with ponytails. So these must be his wives...

"Suma!" Tengen exclaims, pulling the one who spoke in for an embrace.

"Tengen-sama," the one he referred to as Suma says, a tear running down her cheek, "I really missed you."

"Shh, don't cry, Suma, I'm here now," Tengen replies, gently wiping the tear from her face, "And I brought my new wife." By now, the other two women have reached you, one's hair tied tightly back, the other's messy with two blonde streaks.

"Hello!" Suma says cheerfully, grabbing onto your hand. "What's your name?"

"(Y/N)," you reply, bowing once again.

"Aww, she's so cute," the one with the neat ponytail replies, "I'm Hinatsuru, but you can call me Hina."

"I'm Suma!" Suma exclaims.

"I'm Makio," says the third woman, "Tengen-sama's favorite."

"M-Makio!" Suma cries, "I'm his favorite!"

"Enough," Tengen says calmly, "I love all of you."

You awkwardly look away. I hope you don't expect any love from me, you sigh, I'm only here to hold up my duties as a loyal daughter.

The tall man turns to Hinatsuru. "Hina, could you show (Y/N) to where she'll be staying from now on?"

"Of course," she replies, gesturing for you to follow her, "Right this way."


Hinatsuru walks to through the estate, upstairs to a modest room. It's furnished with a bed, nightstand, dresser, and a folding changing wall. "Thank you," you reply, bowing once again, as the woman turns to leave.

"You don't need to be so formal with me," she smiles, "Besides, your husband is the one who set this up for you."

'Your husband'

Hinatsuru must've noticed the impact of the words as she quickly says, "I'm sorry, I know it's still early to be saying such things. I'll leave you be."

As the woman walks away, you let out a long sigh. "Tengen..." You picture the man in your mind, wondering what you're even doing here in the first place. All you know is that your father and Tengen struck some sort of deal which had the possibility to unite both families. But why you and not your sister, that you had no idea about.

A soft knock on the door interrupts your train of thought. "Yes?" you call out softly.

The door opens and Tengen walks through, towering over you on the bed. You quickly rise to your feet.

"I'm sure you probably have a lot of questions," Tengen says, "So I'm here to answer them for you."

"Well," you ask, "What made you take me as your wife and not my sister-?"

"Sakura?" Tengen asks, a hint of disgust on his face, "She's nowhere near flashy enough. She's conventionally attractive, sure, but I prefer those who offer more than what meets the eye."

"I see..."

The man continues, "Anyways, although this marriage is strictly for business, I still want you to feel at home here. If you need anything, please let either me or one of my wives know."

"I will," you assure him. "I do have another question?"

"What is it?" he asks.

"What rules do you have for me? You know, what kind of procedures to follow and image you want me to uphold."

"Rules?" he asks with a raised eyebrow. "Anything goes as long as it's flamboyant."

"Anything?" you ask in disbelief. You've spent your entire life trying to make your father and his family look good. For him to tell you that 'anything goes'... it's unheard of!

"You're your own person, (Y/N), and I'm not in control of you. We might not be in love, but I'm still human after all, and I want you to be happy."

"Thank you, Tengen-sama," you reply with a bow.

"Actually, there is one rule," Tengen says. "No more bowing."


He puts a finger to your lips. "No more bowing," he repeats.

You open your mouth to say something, then close it again.

Tengen smiles. "Goodnight, (Y/N)."

~𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑦~ Tengen x Wives x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now