Chapter 1

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>.< Eek this is my first fanfic! I hope you like it.

Lost, you look around the hallways, each one looks the same and at this rate you'll easily be late for homeroom. How embarrassing; the new student walking in 10 minutes late because they got lost. You sigh and look at the map the receptionist gave you. It was no use since you couldn't really understand maps: you could get lost walking down a straight road. Maybe you could ask your brother, he is in his third year but stayed in Japan while the rest of the family moved to Britain. You look around for your brother but don't see him.
"Ugh where is he!?" You mumble under your breath. You stop in the middle of the hallway, slightly restricting the flow of people. Many bump into you as you curse at your useless map skills.
"Hey, is everything OK~?" A tall blond boy cheerfully asks you with a smile plastered on his face. He has also stopped in the middle of the hallway, restricting even more people. This earns you a few glares from the passing students.
"Erm yea-" You say before you remember your situation "actually, I'm lost"
"What class are you in?" He replies with the same cheerful look on his face. Doesn't it ache smiling that much?
"1b... I think" You answer as he looks over at the map in your hands.
"Oh so you're the new transfer student. I'm Kise Ryōta and I'm in your class!" He beams, confused at his overly friendly introduction, you awkwardly stand and nod. "Come on, it's this way!"
You follow him down several hallways that all merge to one in your head. "This is class 1b" Kise walks into one of the classrooms and is soon surrounded by a hoard of girls screaming and giggling. Immediately you step back, shocked by one person's popularity.
"Th-thank you" You say to the blond who guided you to the room as you walk away from the crowd that surrounds him. You look around the room noticing that everyone seems quite cliquey so making friends will prove difficult, especially since you strongly dislike socialising.

Abruptly, the homeroom teacher walks into the room, ushering the students to sit down. This leaves you, the new student, standing at the front of the class with several eyes fixed on you. "Good morning everyone, this is our new transfer student from Britain. Would you like to introduce yourself?" The teacher says. If you could you would say no, you do not want to introduce yourself but you don't have anywhere near enough confidence to say that.
"I-I'm (L/N) (F/N), it's a pleasure to meet you all" You bow at the end of your sentence and try to force a smile.
"Please take a seat in front of Kise" The teacher says, pointing to the seat by the window. Silently you cheer in your head as you walk towards the seat. Window seats are the best, you can gaze out at the unfortunate souls who have to do sport. The teacher takes a quick register before the bell goes, signalling the time to change class.

"Hmm" You look at your timetable and notice it says you have English Language next and it's in a classroom which is of course in an unknown place. "Erm excuse me..." You try to say to your classmates who are leaving the class fast. No one stops to help you out except the boy from before.
"(L/N)? Are you lost again~?" He asks as he peers over at your timetable in a similar way to before. "English Language! I have that too!" He says with the same happy look on his face. Seriously, how happy can a person be? It sure is annoying.
A few awkward silences later, you find yourself in the exact same position as before; girls round Kise, teacher walks in, introduction, and placed in front of Kise by window.
The teacher talks and talks and talks until the lesson ends. English Language is no way near the level that was taught in Britain and since you speak fluent Japanese and English you already understood what was going on (not to mention you were the top student of most of your classes too). When the bell goes you pick up your books and head to the door, after being escorted to your first two classes you feel pretty confident that you can make it too your next without getting lost.
"Hey, (L/N) wait up!" Kise says as he chases after you. You stop to wait for him to catch up. "Did you understand any of that stuff? I mean it was soooo confusing"
"Of course I understood it, I lived in Britain for the past few years." You say as you head to your next class which was apparently maths.
"Whaaat lucky! I'm gonna fail English at this rate" You watched as his usual smile turned into a childish pout. The two of you walk in the silence which you've grown rather fond of. Is he expecting me to offer to be a tutor for him? You think to yourself. 'Cause that ain't happening. "This is the part where you offer to help me!" He whines.
"Why would I do that?"
"'Cause you're a nice person, and don't want to watch your friend fail." Friend. Friend?
"Friend?" You question, shock pasted over your usually expressionless face.
"Yeah, (L/N)-cchi is my friend!" He says with his cheerful look back on his face.
"What did you just call me?"
"Hm?" Confused for a moment, the blond pauses in his speech. "Oh the -cchi. I give it people who I respect!"
"You respect me?" You say, slightly judging him. First he calls you his friend then he starts respecting you? He does realise you've only just met him?
"Of course!" Still judging him you walk into your next class with him.
Girls. Teacher. Intro. Seated, the same routine as earlier occurs.

A long hour later and the lesson ends. Luckily in this class someone other then Kise talked to you; a girl called Makoto, she has long brown hair and bright blue eyes, she seemed like a nice girl and asked if you wanted to hang out at break. You said yes, of course you did, you didn't want to risk having to spend any more time with that annoyingly happy boy from earlier. Although, to your surprise it seemed as if he was disappointed to not be able to spend time with you.
"So how's your first day going?" Makoto asks you as you both walk to the next class together.
"Good I guess." You say.
"Have you thought about what club to join?"
"Club?" You question, you've heard about Japanese schools having a ton of amazing clubs from various animes you've obsessively watched.
"Yeah, each student has to join at least on club"
"What clubs are open?" Hopefully there's a manga club or something since you don't really do much else other then watch anime or read manga.
"Erm... lemme think" Her lack of response makes you think that there probably isn't a manga club "Most clubs are full since you joined at an awkward time buuuuut I think the basketball club is looking for a manager and the swimming club needs some members."
Your heart sinks at the thought of doing sport as a club. "Is there anything that's nothing to do with sport?"
"Like I said, your timing is off so the good ones are full"
"Ughhhh" It's either doing sport or managing sport. "I think I choose basketball"
"OK! You can fill out a form during lunch" She says smiling, as you reach the classroom for your next class the bell goes. Another boring lesson...

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