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After school: you're stood in the middle of the gym, a row of boys are facing you and there's the coach standing next to you.
"Everybody, this is your new manager" The coach gestures to you before you try to force a cheerful looking expression.
"Hello I'm (L/N) (F/N) and it's a pleasure to meet you all"
A few of the boys smile back at you although most of them seem more interested in starting their training. You scan the row of faces to find that the boy from earlier is standing among them. Ugh he's actually here. You thought to yourself, before walking to a chair so the training session can start.


You and Makoto are walking to the admin room to hand in your club application but to also ask if there was anything other then sports clubs. Sadly, when you asked the teacher, they said the same thing as Makoto: it's an awkward time of the year. Reluctantly, you hand the application to the teacher who smiles at you in return.
"Thank you, if you want to you can go to there practise today" They say. "That's if you're not in a hurry to get home"
You ponder over the statement, there are no new animes out today so you do have the time but the thought of voluntarily watching sport in a form other than anime is painful to think about. After a moment of silence you reply. "Yeah sure, where is it?"
"In the gym, if you get there after your last lesson you should be there in time" The teacher answers.
You nod you're head in response and then you and Makoto leave.
As you walk out of the admin room you bump into a certain blond and cringe as he recognises you therefore stopping to talk to you. You don't hate Kise, you just find him somewhat annoying; he's too happy and cheerful, not to mention he seems to be really popular. People like that are generally full of themselves and think they're better then everyone else, now that's annoying.
"Hey (L/N) -cchi~!" He merrily says, the usual expression on his face: a smile.
"Hello" You reply in a very monotone voice. Makoto looks shocked at the fact you know the popular character or even that he knows you.
"(F/N)! You didn't tell me you're friends with Kise!" She says looking too excited and slightly betrayed.
"Friends?" You keep the monotone voice for all sense of caring had gone, you just wish you could leave the conversation.
"Aww (L/N) -cchi don't you like me~?" Kise pouts at the thought of you not liking him. Your first thought is to say 'no I don't like you so leave me alone' but something inside you urges you to give a different answer.
"I-I never said that, I mean, I l-like you" You start to blush and curse yourself for stuttering then you realise what you said. "No, not like that! As a friend, I like you as friend!" You're now a blushing mess, what happened to that composure you had a moment ago? Feeling awkward and out of place you look down at your feet trying to disappear from the scene in front of you. You look up when you hear Kise laugh at your awkwardness.
"Anyway" He says, brushing the previous conversation away. "What are you doing at the admin office? Have you decided on a club~?"
"Yeah!" Makoto replays for you and you glare at her, silently begging her not to tell him, he'll probably get the wrong impression and think you're into sports. "She's becoming the basketball team's manager!"
You face palm so hard it hurts, when you remove your hand from your face you notice an even larger smile on Kise's face then normal.
"That's great!" Kise exclaims. "I'm on the basketball team~!"
"Wait what" You say in shock, if he's on the basketball team that means you'll have to speak to him more then you do now. It will be torture.
"Of course I am~!" His smile only grows larger. At one point you could swear it was ear to ear. "I'll walk you to the gym after our last class! I have to go now though" He says, his smile dissolving a little as he says the last part. "See you later!" Although the smile returns as he walks off, waving goodbye.

~End of Flashback~

Kise's good, he's actually really good. You watch as he dunks the ball for the hundredth time; it's almost as if he's on another level to the other players. Despite knowing next to nothing about basketball, you must say he has talent. Your eyes can't help but watch his every move, his basketball is so...captivating. You hate to say it but your kind of enjoying watching the games, is this what every game's like?

"(L/N), could you gather some towels and water bottles for the players" The coach shouts at you, interrupting the trance that you seemed to be in. Quickly, you stand up and rush to a cupboard where you thought there would be towels. Luckily you were correct and found a stack of them, you pick some up and place them on the chair you were sitting on and repeat until enough towels are set out. Now water, where do you get the water? You feel too awkward to ask the coach so you head to the canteen and assume that's where you get water. After you leave the gym you hear footsteps behind you and notice Kise running towards you.
"What?" You ask "Why are you following me?"
"Oh the coach thought I should help you out" He replies, slightly out of breath.
"What about training?"
"This is strength training!" He says, back to his normal self again. He stinks of sweat but you don't want to offend him by pointing it out so you just deal with it. The smell of canteen food soon captures the attention of your nose as you approach the building.
"You get water from the canteen...right?" You ask, to confirm your hunch. It would be slightly awkward if you came all the way to the canteen to find the water is else where.
"I think" He says shrugging his shoulders. "Where else would you get it?"
The door to the canteen creeks open and you spot a stack of water in the corner. Assuming that it's ok to just take, you and Kise grab a few bottles of water and head back to the gym. As soon as you leave the canteen you feel one of the bottles slip out of your hand and crash onto the floor. It doesn't explode like you expected it to, it just sits there while you stare at it. When you go to pick it up it appears as if Kise had the same idea and for a slight second you both touch hands. Immediately, you feel your face burn up in a deep shade of red, your not normally this awkward so what's going on!?! You mumble 'sorry' as you continue walking back to the gym. Silence sits upon the two of you for a few seconds before the blond decides to break it.
"So what made you choose the basketball club?" Kise asks, not sure of whether or not he's looking for a truthful answer or just making conversation, you answer with the truth.
"I don't like sport and the leftover clubs were doing sport or managing sport" You say bluntly. He laughs a little at your answer but not in a happy way; it's almost as if it's a disappointed laugh. "What?" You question, intrigued as to why your answer was funny.
"Heh well I guess I thought you wanted to join the basketball team for another reason" He awkwardly replies, his bubbly personality seems to have disappeared a little.
"What do you mean?"
"Well I thought that maybe you joined because..."He starts to trail off and when you reach the gym he thinks better of telling you the other reason, leaving your mind to finish your sentence for him.

A hoard of sweaty basketball guys surround you, each eager to get their hands on a bottle of water. You hand each bottle out trying to avoid hand contact at all costs: you don't want to have your face burst into flames like earlier, especially since there are more people around you this time. When you go to hand out the last bottle of water to someone who you believe was called Moriyama, he decides to ignore the bottle and take your hand instead, sending a shiver up your spine.
"Hello, I believe we haven't properly met yet" He starts, he leans his face in closer to yours and as he does so you feel your face heat up. "Let me introduce myself as Moriyama Yoshitaka, otherwise known as the man of your drea-"
"Leave her alone" You hear Kise say in a somewhat angry tone. Considering his usual personality you feel shocked at his abrupt reaction. Moriyama walks away, now bored of you. "Sorry about him" Kise says, walking towards you. "Are you OK~?" His cheerful personality seems to have made an appearance again because the usual smile is once again plastered over his face.
"Yeah" You say as you put your hand to your face to make sure it isn't going to overheat. "Actually..." You start as Kise turns around to walk back to the team, although he stops at the sound of your voice. "What were you going to say earlier? You never told me why you thought I joined"
You hear him nervously laugh and then say "Never mind" as he continues to walk towards the team. So that's your answer? You think to yourself. Well that only makes me more intrigued.

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