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"I like you" Kise says, the words hit you and you freeze in response. A blush deepens on his cheeks and you feel the same blush appear on yours. Speechless, words don't surface in your mind and you both stand there in an uncomfortable silence. You want to say something, you need to say something but you can't. You open the mouth hoping to give him a response but nothing comes out, you just look like a goldfish opening and closing your mouth for air. Luckily, the silence is broken by someone else.
"(F/N)! Where have you been?!?" You hear an angry voice shout from down the road. You turn round to see your brother is running down the road towards you; you snap out of your speechlessness and respond.
"Oh I was just helping Kise study"
"Hm? You know Kise?" Your brother's expression softens as he stands opposite you and Kise. "You better have not done anything to my sister!" He says as he kicks the blond in the back and he falls over. You stand back, slightly shocked by your brother's violent actions.
"I didn't do anything to (L/N) -cchi! You're so mean~" Kise pouts rubbing his injured back, he's acting as if nothing happened a moment ago but it did so why is he acting do happy all of a sudden? You offer your hand to help him up but you're awkwardly rejected as he stands up on his own. "Well I must go now, see you later (L/N) -cchi!" You and your brother both wave as Kise walks away from you. As he fades out of sight your brother turns to you. "If you were studying why did it take so damn long?"
"There was a lot to study" You reply. "Anyway aren't you supposed to be ill?"
"I'm pretty much better now" He quickly replies "C'mon let's get going home"
On the walk home you listen to your brother talk about various shows he has marathoned since being ill. Occasionally you drop in a 'yeah' or 'OK' to give the impression that you actually care even though you don't. All that's on your mind is Kise's confession, you just can't make sense of it and you don't know what you feel back. Do you like him?

A week passes with no words exchanged between you and Kise, sometimes you'd exchange small talk but nothing major like an actual conversation, he couldn't even look you in the eye. It hurt you knowing he was probably mad at you for an unknown reason, you just wanted to confront him and ask what's wrong but you'd never have the guts for that.
Eventually, the small talk becomes a pain and you decide on confronting him once and for all. You notice him walking down the corridor and subtly follow him until you reach a place with less people.
"K-Kise..." You stutter as you feel a blush rise to your cheeks, in your head you curse at your shyness although you can't help but feel nervous. Kise abruptly turns round, clearly unaware that you were following him. A shocked expression is plastered over his face, you can't read if he's happy, sad or even angry to see you. "I h-have something to t-tell you" You feel like a different person, it makes you sick to your stomach that you can't even hold a basic conversation without becoming a stuttering mess.
"I have something to tell you too" Kise starts, a stern expression replaces the shocked one; a shiver is sent down your spine, the abrupt personality change slightly intimidates you. All the confidence you've ever had drowns in the uneasiness and tension that the conversation has created. "About last week..." His expression softens slightly but not by much. You clench your teeth and embrace for the worst possible answer, what if it was a joke? What if he doesn't really like you? He is pretty popular after all, and popular people don't fall for people like you, they just don't. Anyway it's not like you actually care, or do you? His eyes find yours and you feel time slow down, everything is moving too slowly, at an unbearable speed. You want to avert your gaze but you can't, your eyes are locked onto his. Sorrow, sadness, despair. It all fills his eyes, he looks like a young child: innocent and delicate. "If you don't like me back then..." He breaks away from your gaze and looks at the floor, a sad look breaks the stern appearance from moments ago. You feel your heart shatter at the expression. He does like me. You think to yourself, a buzzing feeling fills your body and in that moment you step closer to the blond and place your lips on his.

When your lips part you don't know if you are embarrassed, pleased or just shocked. You just kissed Kise Ryōta, well kinda kissed him. Kise stands with his eyes wide open in shock for a moment before cracking that mask to reveal an ear-to-ear smile. "(L/N) -cchi does like me!" He beams as he pulls you into an embrace.
"Heh" Is all you can reply with as you wrap your arms around his torso. You let yourself melt into Kise's arms and enjoy the moment at hand. If only time could freeze like this. You think to yourself as the bell rings, signalling that it's time to part. In the distance you hear the sound of students talking as they move from one area to another. Neither of you pull away and you stand there until the sound of talking students fades away.

And that was the start of your new beginnings with Kise Ryōta.

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