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It's Tuesday morning, you successfully made it through your first day, not sure how, but you did it. Today the hallways don't seem to merge like before, the school feels a lot less maze-like compared to yesterday. All that wondering around lost really helped me get to know the place. You think to yourself. You ace the journey to your homeroom; making only one false turn but quickly getting back on route. The same scene from yesterday takes place: a hoard of girls around Kise's desk with everyone else in their own groups, the only difference this time is that you have a desk to sit at. The homeroom teacher walks in to announce that's it end of year exams are fast approaching. This causes a low groan from many members of the class. I just joined, do I actually have to do this? Despite the fact you could easily pass the exams, you are reluctant to do them because it's too much stress. (That and a you recently discovered a really cool anime and revising interrupts marathons) As soon as the teacher finishes, the room erupts into the chatter of students complaining about the exam. You soon find Kise standing by your desk, although looking around the room you notice some of his fangirls glaring at you since they appeared somewhat afraid of you.
"Sooo (L/N) -cchi,do you think you could help me study later~?" The blond innocently beams.
"No" You bluntly reply, you don't want to waste your time going over something you already know. There are much better things to waste your time over.
"(L/N) -cchi you're so mean!" He pouts and waits for a moment to observe your reaction, unsatisfied with the amount of care you have for him, he continues. "Please! You're really good at English and with your help I'll pass the exam easily." You notice more and more eyes focusing on the scene Kise is causing and reluctantly you agree to help him study. "Yay! I'll meet you after school then~!" And with that the blond wanders off to talk to his friends.

The school day passes with most lessons being revision lessons, or for you, catch up lessons. Maybe passing this exam won't be all that easy since the stuff you studied in Britain is completely different to what will appear on the tests. You pick up your bag and head over to the spot you and Kise agreed on meeting at, once there you see Kise sitting on a bench. His face lights up when he realises you actually came: at the time of discussing the details, the tone of your voice was very monotone and to him seemed as if you were just going to not show up. His smile slightly grows as you walk over to him.
"You came!" He says.
"Of course I did, why wouldn't I?" You reply.
"You just didn't sound like you'd come" His smile slightly wilted at the thought but soon grew back to its usual size. "Anyway, let's go"
"OK" You say, and with that you both head towards Kise's apartment. It's scary how close your house is to Kise's, when you think about it it's only around the corner.
"This is my apartment" Kise stops by a door a few floors up, he soon opens the door to reveal a large open-plan room. There's modern looking furniture and a sleek style in the room, it's surprisingly tidy too. On the wall is a huge flatscreen TV and below it is a table covered in piles of basketball magazines.
You gaze around the room in awe at its interior. "This is so cool!" You say moving closer to various pieces of furniture in order to get a better look.
"Really?" He says, the look on his face shows clearly that he doesn't believe you.
"Yeah, it's so modern and looks really expensive" You continue to inspect the room.
"Thanks, I guess that's up to my amazing interior design skills~!" He chuckles.
"Hm? You mean you did this all yourself?" You ask, stopping the inspection to turn to Kise.
"Of course, I live on my own" He says, smiling. Looking at the lack of non-basketball related items in the room it's kind of obvious no one else lives there but the thought of someone your age living on their own is crazy. Although, it's quite common in Japan for students to live alone.
"Wow, that must be scary, I mean I live with my parents but my brother lives on his own" You say.
"It's not, you get used to it" You feel a small amount of sympathy for the boy, he's so happy at school and is so popular, but at home he must be lonely.
"Anyway..." You start before the topic gets depressing. "Do you wanna start studying?"
"Yeah, come this way" He leads you to the dining table; you walk through the apartment and realise how quiet it is, silence fills each room, it's kind of daunting. Wait. If Kise lives on his own then doesn't that mean I'm in a house alone with him! You silently freak out in your head for this has potential to end badly. "Sit down~" He says interrupting your train of thoughts. You sit on one of the chairs, pull your books out of your bag and place them on the table in front of you.
"So first English language..." You start and trail off into detail.

After a few hours of going over each subject you finish your revision. It turns out Kise isn't that stupid, he just doesn't pay attention therefore not really learning anything. You had to admit, tutoring wasn't as bad as you thought it would be; you also learnt some stuff yourself.
"Well I gotta go now" You say, slightly disappointed.
"Aww (L/N) -cchi, stay a little longer" He says, disappointment is reflected in his voice as he pouts.
"But it's getting late" You told your parents you'd be back by 5pm and it's already 5:20pm they'll definitely get worried if you don't return soon.
"Don't worry, I can walk you back" He replies, desperate for you to stay longer.
"Hmmm" You ponder for a moment, you could text your parents and then everything would be ok. "OK, I'll stay, but I'll have to go at 6"
"Yay~!" He brightly smiles as you text your parents. "So what do you wanna do~?"
"Play a game?" You say, it's the first thing can think of although it's a bit random.
"Basketball?" He enquires, a little confused at your suggestion.
"No, you'd easily beat me at that" You think of games you could play and again, something ridiculous comes to mind. "Would you rather?"
"Would I rather what?" He replies, still confused.
You laugh at his innocence and reply "No, it's a game where you give someone two scenarios and they have to choose one"
"Oh ok, you start then" He says, you sense that he's still slightly perplexed although you start the game.
"Hmmm, would you rather..." Many ideas come into your head but none of them seem appropriate "Have everyone know your name but have no privacy or no one know your name but you have as much privacy as you want"
"No privacy, that's too easy (L/N) -cchi!" He pauses for a moment to think about a question. "Would you rather date a model or an actor"
You contemplate the answer for a moment before responding "I'd have to go with model" Both characters would probably be full of themselves but at least a model should be good looking.
Kise chuckles in return of the answer "I'm a model~!"
"Wait what" You feel a blush cover your cheeks as you stare at Kise in shock. He chuckles again and you quickly avert your eyes. When you feel your cheeks return to their normal colour you look back at Kise who is warmly smiling at you.
"It's your go now (L/N) -cchi"
"Oh yeah" You reply, snapping back to your normal self. "Would you rather date an unpopular girl like me or one of you fangirls?" Ok so that wasn't quite like your usual self but you did it to get revenge as such.
"Fangirls?" He says as if he doesn't notice the hoard of girls that surround him every day.
"Yeah, those girls that are obsessed with you. Even I know that and I joined the school yesterday" You answer.
"Oh them, they're not that bad..." He says before answering your original question "I'd pick you." Quickly he reforms his answer as he realises what he's said. "I mean I'd choose the unpopular girl"
This time it's his turn to blush and awkwardly look away, you just laugh in response.

Ten questions later, you and Kise are both crippled with laughter, however, your moment is soon interrupted by the ringing of your phone. You look over to notice it's 6:30pm already and your mother is calling you. Hesitantly you pick up, dreading the scream you'll hear on the other end.
"Where are you?!?" She shouts through the phone.
"At a friend's house, I'm just about to leave" You look at Kise disappointedly, if you could you would stay a lot longer but of course your mother is not going to allow that. You hang up as you grab your coat and head towards the door.
"Do you want me to walk you home?" He says as he puts his shoes on.
"Oh no you don't have to" Although you both know that he's going to come anyway.
"Have you got everything?" He says; you look around to see if you've left anything but you haven't so you shake your head and leave.

Once out of the apartment you're hit by an icy cold breeze and a shiver's sent down your spine. "Cold?" Kise asks. Was he this nice before? You think to yourself before you shake your head again. "Ok well if you are then tell me" For a little while you both walk in silence before you break it.
"Today was fun" You say "you're a really good friend" You smile at Kise who now looks taken aback by your comment.
"Yeah, but you're a really good friend too~!" He replies. "You're the best friend ever (L/N) -cchi~!"
You stop in your path at the line, best friend?
"Hm? What's wrong?" Kise stops too, and looks at you concerned.
"No one's ever said that before" You say, sure you had friends in Britain, but you weren't very close to them.
"Said what?" The concern on his face eased a little but instead was replaced with confusion.
You laugh at his lack of awareness. "Never mind" You say as you continue to walk again.
You're taken aback when Kise grabs your hand, pulling you to a stop.
"But I want to know" He says, you turn around, confused at his actions. "Because...I-I..."

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