Time Machine

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The wind blows as the clouds dances in the bluish sky above,
I wonder what it feels, to be able to witness the creation of the earth, decades and hundreds of years ago.
To be able to breathe fresh air, without the hint of fabricated and vehicle smoke in it.
And to be able to touch, taste, and feel the mystical wetness of clear water, our ancestors have.

The rising and gliding of the yellowish orb far above wake beings on temporary slumber.
Six in the clock it shows, the sound of a harmonious yell of roosters welcomed the sleeping soul,
I want to experience and glimpse this all, to be back in time where everything seems serene and new.
If only I have a machine that can bring me back in the year when new generations still a seed on a small innocent container.

Push and drift me backward to a place and seconds where human monsters aren't a trend.
Toxicity, judgemental sharp mouth, and drowning someone from their misery, still doesn't cross in the mind of society.
Where living and inhaling still isn't an act of responsibility.
The days where happiness, success, and achieving something on your own are still supported and don't envy by many.

— August, Free Verse Poem

Fb: Cello Poets
Page: Poets Paradise (Admin Sigrid)

Rhythm of PoemsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora