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Tommy was looking for Wilbur and couldn't find him until he passed electrical. "Tommy! I was looking for you. Where were you?" Wilbur grabbed Tommy's shoulder and looked worried. Tommy sighed "I was talking to Techno about something...." Tommy shoved Wilbur's hands off and went to go do his 2nd to last task. Wilbur looked shocked he started to look angry he had something in mind.
"Well Phil told me that we should just go alone so I'll see you around." Wilbur waved bye. Tommy was ignoring him. Tommy went to admin and saw Techno talking to Phil, Wilbur and Sapnap. They all were surrounding him.

"I can't believe you three are going to kill your brother and Son! You guys are crazy!" Sapnap tried to shout it to see if Tommy would hear it but Phil covered his mouth but Tommy heard it since he was hiding behind the wall. "What the fuck.." Tommy thought to himself. "what does he mean?" Tommy whispered to himself. Wilbur do you want to do the honours?" Phil has said while uncovering Sapnaps mouth. "Fuck..?! It's all three of you?!" Sapnap freaked out. Tommy stood there in shock his family were the imposters. His only true family. They killed his close friends.

"No no no. It can't be." Tommy started to cry. He ran he didn't want them to see him, hear him, nor see Sapnap die. You can hear fainted screams but Tommy tried to act like he didn't hear it. "You guys hide the body somewhere Tommy won't suspect anything and I'll watch him to make sure he doesn't find it." Wilbur told the other two imposters. They simply nodded and headed inside the vents taking the body of Sapnap with them. "Tommy?" Wilbur shouted to find him. Tommy yelled back, "Wil! Watch me scan and do you have scan?" Tommy gulped while shaking. "Okay.. This is going to be hard." Wilbur whispered to

Inspiration: @helenofhel and the comments on the TikTok

Platform:Tiktok ( inspiration)
Eat and Drink water guys

Killers [Sbi imposter Au] [Sbi dark Au?]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ