Truth or Dare?

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~One month later~

Yuuki slept at Momoi's house that friday night. They talked about their school lives, basketball matches and stuff like that.

"So, do you want to go out?" Momoi asked tying her hair.

"Ok." Yuuki nodded. "Where?"

"Shopping?" Momoi smiled.

"Mmh... you know I don't like shopping that much." Yuuki stated laying on the couch. "And I'm so tired."

"What about going to the park?" Momoi asked turning her back to Yuuki to put in order the tea-table.

"What for?" Yuuki asked hugging a cushion.

"Basketball?" she turned around to face Yuuki and saw that she wasn't on the couch anymore.

"So? Shall we go?" Yuuki said putting on her shoes.

"You'll never change, will you?" Momoi chuckled.

"Never!" Yuuki smiled taking her bag.

The two of them got out of the house and walked towards the park.

"Free court!" Yuuki exclaimed running towards the court.

"Yuu-chan!" Momoi called but Yuuki had already changed her clothes and started to dribble.

"Is she human?" Momoi thought getting closer.

"Take a rest!" Momoi exclaimed after almost an hour. "Here." she said handing her a towel.

"Thank you." Yuuki stated wiping away her sweat with the towel.

"You're improving a lot." Momoi said. "You're jumping higher than before and your formless shots are amaizing!"

"Yo, flat-chested one!" Aomine called walking towards the two girls.

"I have a name, you know, Aomine-senpai." Yuuki replied.

"Kuro-chin!" Murasakibara said eating a Maibou.

"Murasakibara-senpai!" Yuuki smiled. "It's been a while, isn't it?"

"A month." he said.

"Why are you here?" Momoi asked.

"It's Saturday." Murasakibara said. "No school."

"I know that, but you live in Akita." Momoi stated.

"I just wanted to meet Kuro-chin." Murasakibara replied.

"Look at that!" a child shouted and the four of them turned around to see what was going on.

They saw Akashi, Kuroko, Midorima and Kise who was wearing a pair of sunglasses and a hat.

"Testu-kun!" Momoi exclaimed hugging Kuroko tightly.

"Hi!" Yuuki waved.

"What are you doing here, Akashi-kun?" Momoi asked. "You wanted to meet Yuu-chan too?"

"Too?" Akashi asked confused looking at Yuuki.

"Murasakibara-senpai said so." Yuuki chuckled.

"Well, that might be a reason." Akashi explained. "But actually I have some business here in Tokyo."

There was an awkward silence after that, until Momoi spoke.

"Do you want to do a sleepover together?" Momoi smiled letting Kuroko go who was going to faint due to the lack of oxygen.

"I'm in." Aomine said putting his hands in his pockets.

"Today's my lucky day, so I guess I can." Midorima stated pushing his glasses on his nose bridge.

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