Before you read...

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Please go back and read breaking the rules before this story, or you will be very confused. 

Recap, just in case:

Connor, the D-class you met on the lower levels, was eventually found innocent of the crimes he was accused of and now works at the foundation. 

Tammy, the friend you eventually made, stays around safe class SCPs with Connor, they both don't like going near Keter or even Elucids unless they really have to.

You got stuck assigned to 049 for a while. But that eventually changed and you haven't seen him in a while.

You eventually ended up pretty good at your job and were important too. You even have your own office now. 

But you were always really busy...

For once you had a break...

You look up from your desk as you hear sirens go off. You sighed.

" Third damn time this month..."

At least Tammy and Connor were most likely safe.

Part of you didn't even care to get up from your chair. Eventually, you did stand up and grabbed your coat. You made sure you had your gun that you now always had with you and your card. Don't want that happening again...

You went to open the door but it opened itself.

" Hello there, Doctor"

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