The true end?

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You woke up feeling stiff, you had to have been lying there for hours.

But... you couldn't remember why. Why were you even there?

The last thing you remember was the breach starting... The rest is... blank.

You sat up and looked around. Tammy was there, Connor was there, and your dad. He didn't look happy about something though.

" Oh! Y/N, You're up! I'm glad you're okay!" Tammy said.

" W- What? What do you mean?"

" You were... found knocked out in one of the halls, everyone thought for a second you were dead"

" Oh... I don't remember what happened"

Your father walked over and sat next to you, " Are you alright, Y/N?".

" Y- Yeah! I probably just hit my head on something..."

" Okay..."

" Well, you know Y/N... You never got to celebrate your birthday," Connor said.

" We still can," you replied with a smile.

" That's going to be hard..."

" We'll find a way," Tammy said. "Come on"

While in the hall Connor handed you the music box.

" It's broken?! What happened?"

"We uh... Don't know"

" It's... fine. I guess... I'll find some way to fix it"


Your father watched as you walked out with them. Someone else who was in the room, that you hadn't even noticed came over.

" Satisfied?" Your dad asked.

" Dr. Y/N is on thin ice. You're lucky that worked"

" So what now?"

" Keep them away from anything concerning 049 if you don't want that to happen again. Dr. Y/N is important here, there are things they are needed for. But, another outburst like that, and they'll be made into a D-class"

" I just don't know what made them snap..."

" Just make sure it doesn't happen again"


So... That's what happened. Your memory of what happened was erased. And you rarely ever went near 049's containment. The memories that you did have of him were suppressed in the back of your mind because of work. 

But 049... He's not going to forget. How could he?

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