C21: What Is Going On?

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Two weeks later, Anais woke up drenched in sweat. It really was the beginning of another awful day for her. Not only, had she dreamt about her past experiences in the asylum, but she woke up feeling sick and emotionally drained.

She rather enjoyed having her friends and new-found family at her side. She has had a lot of joyful and emotional conversation with both Hank and Dawn that made their connection even deeper.

One night after a frightening nightmare the girl couldn't help herself from running in the couple's room, crying her eyes out. After some cuddling, she had explained her nightmare in between her sobs. Hank had been the most affected by her confession and had tried to comfort her as best as he could have while keeping his bulging anger out of his voice.

He kept repeating soothing sentences: " You're okay, now. ", "I'll protect you from those bastards ", " They won't lay a finger on you ever again ", " Shhhhh, it's okay, you can go back to sleep ", and such.

Other nights she would jump in their bed, happily and recite poems and quotes from her favorite books or show them her happy memories within her mind waves connection.

Some days, Dawn, Anais, and Rachel would talk about relationships and joke about boys. That subject had to be dropped after one week since Anais' own possible romantic relationship with Jason seemed to be on a stand-still. It really made her sad to not only see him interacting with Rose instead of her, but to not being able to hear his thoughts anymore. He didn't want to talk to her, well... he didn't seem to want to for now, so she lent him his space, backed off and blocked all his thoughts from her.

Dawn did warn her that what she was doing was not healthy, but she didn't really care at this point. She did what she thought was right for them both.

Boy, was she mistaken!

As far as she knew Garfield and Rachel's relationship hadn't evaluated much since she first caught them making out. They were both pretty secretive and dodge any question relating their current relationship. Were they cute or annoying? Anais couldn't tell the difference, really. She was happy for her sister and her friend but seeing them being so considerate and cute made her stomach clench in discomfort.

She couldn't understand her body's weird reaction and didn't care enough to ask her motherly figure.

After some time, she learned her limits and other's boundaries. She no longer ran in her adoptive parents' room at night, to give them their well-deserved sleep and, well... privacy, and stayed away from Jason as much as possible. She didn't like the ravine that dug itself in their bond, but figure that there wasn't much she could do to mend it.

Those moments all led to this dreadful day. Approximately two weeks after Rose moved in the tower, Anais felt her irritation start to inflate at an alarming rate. Lately, she had been eating bowls of fruit one after the other, reading shitty romantic novels about a woman saved by her soulmate.

What a bunch of fucking non-sense...

She sighed, flipping a page, nervous to know if someone would object their wedding. Suddenly, Rachel burst in her bedroom a frown on her face as she stared down on her little sister seemingly angry at her.

" You were supposed to join us for breakfast, Ana! " She scolded her, taking the strawberries from her grasp.

Anais whined and tried to get them back to no avail. She sighed and continued reading her book. Seeing her sister getting impatient, she still said:

" I woke up three hours ago. " She calculated after glancing at the bedside table's clock. " I was hungry, so I went to get a snack. "

" And you brought in your bedroom, how many bowls of fruit? " Rachel asked glancing to the snaked pile of them on her sister's side. " Ten? "

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