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Gibbs went back to his desk and sat down with a huff. Pinching the bridge of his nose as he tried to control his anger. Something wasn't sitting right with this situation.

"Mcgee." He lifted his gaze to look at the younger agent. "Give me a full background on Charlie."

"On it boss." Mcgee nodded as Tony raised an eyebrow at him.

"Your gut boss?"

"Your damn right Dinozzo." He turned and grabbed his weapon and badge. "Keep me posted." He headed to the elevator, thinking back to a conversation with Addy a few days after he had proposed.

They were sitting together on the couch. Her legs were across his lap as he rubbed her feet. She smiled as she watched him.

"You've never told me anything about your time in the army." He muttered, glancing sideways at her. She shrugged as she smiled a bit.

"Not much to tell. I patched the guys up. Had to shoot a few bad guys. Got shot a few times. The usual." He chuckled at her words and dropped his hands from her feet. Draping an arm across the back of the couch.

"Anyone you still keep in touch with?"

"A few. Charlie, he's kinda like Tony. He was a good friend. We spent the entire last tour together. He's due back in a month, I think. Maybe we can grab lunch or something." She shrugged. "I try not to dwell on it a lot. I was a much different person then. It made me who I am now, but other than one or two people. I'd rather not talk about the experiences. I'm sure you're the same gunny." She smiled faintly and he nodded.

"You're right. There's a small handful of people I'd see if given a chance. But other than that, that chapter of my life is over."

Bringing himself back to the present, as the elevator dinged and he walked out. Going outside to get some more coffee. Hearing someone come up close to him as he sighed.

"I've got it, Gibbs. I can tell you're tense." Tobias smirked lightly as he ordered one too and passed some cash to the barista.

"About time you showed up." He muttered as he took his cup and took a big gulp. Tobias gave him a look of horror.

"How do you not burn yourself Gibbs?" He just smirked as he began walking back to the building. "Hows Addy?"

"She's stubborn as hell." He grumbled and Tobias laughed.

"You're just now learning that?" Tobias chuckled and shook his head. "Let me guess, your famous gut is telling you to not trust Charlie?"

"Nope." He shook his head.

"It wouldn't have anything to do with their past relationship?" He just cut his eyes at Tobias as they walked inside. "Sorry. I shouldn't have asked. Anyway, what do you have so far?"

"He saw a petty officer with the bank truck driver. We know which bank is getting a shipment of new bills. We assume they're planning on hitting it and either switching them with counterfeit or just outright steal it. Mcgee is working on a full background on Charlie." Tobias nodded as they exited the elevator and walked to the desks.

"Boss. Charlie has had some disciplinary actions. Numerous fights over money with other members of his squad. Not to mention his personal debt of nearly seventy thousand." He raised an eyebrow as he looked at Tobias. Tobias sighed and crossed his arms.

"You have no solid proof yet. You know you can't hold him and interrogate him based on that."

"Not yet." He sat down as Ziva answered her phone, then stood up.

"Gibbs, they have found Petty officer Lance. They're bringing him to interrogation now." He nodded and stood up, motioning for Tobias to follow him.


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