Newborn King

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"We're having a baby.." She repeated the words that had ended their wedding reception. She grasped at the porcelain toilet as she leaned forward, throwing up the few contents of her stomach. Morning sickness had kicked into overdrive the last few weeks since the wedding. Feeling strong, calloused hands rubbing circles along her back now. His soft voice in her ear.

"I'm sorry hun. Want some tea to settle your stomach?" He questioned, knowing you were miserable right now. His expression showed he wished he could carry some of that weight for you, at least take on some of the discomforts. A faint smile formed at his offer of comfort, giving a slight nod as he kissed her neck before leaving the bathroom. Reaching up, she flushed the toilet before making her way back to the bed. He returning soon with a steaming mug of tea. Setting it on the beside table as he sat on the bed.

"I'll be home as soon as I can tonight."

"Uh, I still haven't put up the tree."

"Addy, I didn't put one up for years. You're not feeling well enough. Don't worry about it." He flashed a small smile, leaning down as he kissed her.

"But it's Christmas eve Jethro." She pouted slightly at him, causing him to chuckle.

"Whatever you do, just take it easy, okay? I'll call you later."

"Yes, sir." She smirked, knowing he hated being called that. His own smirk made her smile as he left for the day. She hated he had to work the day before a holiday, but the thought of next Christmas kept her smiling. A hand moved over her flat stomach as she sighed.

"Next year will be a whirlwind of decorating and presents, huh?"


"Just be careful, Jethro. The roads are getting bad. They weren't expecting the snow to set in this early." She spoke on her cell, looking out the front window. His signature huff came from the other end.

"I will. You know I will. Might not be home for dinner, though. Don't wait up for me." At his words, she couldn't help smile.

"Oh, gunny, you know I'm gonna wait anyways. Besides, I'm feeling better and restless as hell. I've gotten the decorations out. Even if they'll only be up a few days. " He couldn't help chuckle at her words.

"Alright. Alright. I love you. "

"I love you too. " She sighed as the call ended. Looking back outside at the howling winds and white covered roads. Even with his truck, it would be a difficult ride home. Maybe he'd just stay at the navy yard for the night. With a shrug, she went to stoke the fire and began adding more decorations to the tree. A smile formed as she hung the ones they had accumulated so far. One he'd gotten her for their first Christmas together. One a small framed picture of them, the same one they'd given Jackson before.

"Next year, we get new ones. Baby's first Christmas." She couldn't help grin to herself at that thought. It didn't seem too far away.


Tires coming to a loud halt in the driveway, Gibbs sighed in relief. Letting his head hang for a moment before exitting his truck. A smirk forming, seeing a light still on and the fireplace alit. Walking inside slowly, not wanting to disturb her if she was asleep on the couch. And of course she was. His tired expression turned soft as he walked over. Sitting on the edge of the couch as he adjusted the red blanket over her. Stroking a hand over her blonde hair as she stirred.

"You're really late. What happened?" She mumbled, sitting up some as she rubbed at her eyes. Leaning back into the couch, he smiled, putting his arm around her and bringing her closer.

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