Chapter 10: Diagon Alley pt. 1

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Hadrian's PoV:

   It didn't take too long for Aunt Cissy and Uncle Lucius to join us at the ice cream parlor. When they arrived, none of us had finished our ice cream yet. I expected them to get some as well, but they headed straight over to us instead. Aunt Cissa sat down next to Draco and me, while Uncle Lucius sat down across from her with my parents.

   "We can't stay too long, Lucius and I have our own shopping to do. In my excitement to meet Hadrian again, I forgot to get a few things." Aunt Cissa spoke up, followed quickly by her husband. "Plus we've got 12 years of birthdays to make up for. We know you told us no birthday party, but I've got to spoil my godson a little bit." His words caused me to blush in embarrassment and I quickly voiced my objections.

   "Aunt Cissa, Uncle Lucius, you really don't need to! I'm just glad to be with my true family!" My aunt and uncle only smirked in response before leaving. They had already made up their minds and if there was one thing I knew about Aunt Cissa, once she made up her mind there was no changing it. I put my head in my hands to hide my continuing blush. This action caused Papa to let out a chuckle.

   "They aren't gonna be the only ones spoiling you Hadrian." My head bolted up and I glared at my parents, but there was no malice in my stare. It was a pitiful attempt to get them to stop and based on their smiles I didn't convince them. I tried turning to Draco for support, but even he was smirking at me. I guess I was gonna have to get used to this... I could even feel my familiars amusement at the situation I was in. I ended up just rolling my eyes at all three of them.

   It really is comical. I never thought that I would be in this situation. I grew up locked in a cupboard and wearing hand-me-down clothes. Yet here I was about to be spoiled by my real family. It was embarrassing, but secretly I was really happy. I had never experienced anything like this before. Is this what it felt like to have people that cared about you? I had to stop thinking about this before I started tearing up from too many happy emotions all at once.

   Trying to change the topic, I spoke up. "Okay, so what all are we doing today?" It was Dad that spoke this time. "We are going to go ahead and get the supplies for this year at Hogwarts. The letters won't get sent out until next week due to a delay in finding a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, but we thought that having less of a crowd would be good for you two. That would mean our first stop is going to be Madame Malkin's Robes For all Occasions since you had quite the growth spurt you need to get some new ones. After that, we are going to go to Twilfitt and Tatting's to get you a new wizarding wardrobe. Normally Cissa would be begging to be the one to take you, but she had agreed to settle for helping you find your muggle clothing wardrobe. Flourish and Blotts followed by Scribbulus Writing Implements and finally Slug and Jiggers Apothecary. After that, we can go anywhere else the two of you wish to, but we must finish up by four o'clock. That is when we will meet back up with Draco's parents and do some shopping in the muggle parts of London." I nodded, having been to most of the places before. I hadn't heard of Twilfitt and Tatting's before, but it sounded like it would be a more upscale clothing store. I thought it might be a good idea to go to the Magical Menagerie to get things for my familiars, but they protested in my mind. Keira even let out a small hiss at me, which was similar to the glare I gave my parents. I chuckled a little as I shook my head.

    "All I can think of is the Magical Menagerie to get some items for my familiars. Then maybe a trip to Sugarplum's Sweets Shop and Quality Quidditch Supplies? I couldn't go in but I saw the shops when I went last year." I looked hopeful when I asked, but suddenly my expression sank when I remembered something. "There's not much of a reason to go to Quality Quidditch though..." I looked down, suddenly seeming very interested in my empty bowl of ice cream. "Once I get resorted, I won't be on the team anymore. Plus, Slytherin already has a seeker." Draco looked surprised at my words but suddenly got excited.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2022 ⏰

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