Chapter 2: Hatching

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Harry's Pov

It's been six days and I've been stuck in my room since the day that Aunt Marge came over. Apparently, I had poisoned her dog because the fat bitch didn't know that dogs couldn't have cinnamon, which is found in apple pie. So of course, the dog getting sick and throwing up on Marge, was entirely my fault.

Like always, I didn't get any food unless Petunia is home alone. Sometimes she sneaks me a roll or a granola bar. She is also the only one that allows me to shower since the bathroom attached to my room doesn't have one. If I'm entirely honest, I knew that it was only my magic that was keeping me alive at this point. I knew that it was the only reason I had survived this long, the difference is now I can actually feel the magic that courses through my veins.

Though, my only saving grace at this moment was that the three eggs haven't hatched yet. That means that they didn't require any food. It's weird though because I still had no idea what kind of magical creatures that the eggs were. The only thing I knew was obvious, that they were three entirely different creatures. This confused me more than anything because they were all huddled together. Surely, magical creatures didn't do this often.

Looking over at the clock I noticed that it was almost eleven o'clock. I wasn't very surprised that it was already this late. I've always been quite the night owl, especially on the last night of July. I don't know why but, I could never sleep before midnight on the night before my birthday.

As soon as the digital clock showed that it was eleven o'clock, I started to hear cracks. At first, I thought that maybe it was just one of the Dursleys moving around, but then I noticed that the eggs were moving slightly. Immediately, I ran over to my desk.

The egg that was hatching was the smallest one. Soon, a head poked out of the egg. It was a beautiful snake. From what I could see, the snake had stunning black scales except for its belly which was a beautiful dark red. The snake's eyes were a dark, almost blood red, that shone like rubies. I was enamoured with the pure beauty of this creature. She was gorgeous. Wait, how did I know that the snake is a girl?

Without noticing, I had moved my hand closer to the snake. It was close enough that she could easily bite me. But, for some odd reason, I wasn't afraid of that. As the snake moved, she didn't bite me. Instead, she slithered onto my arm, curling around it. It almost seemed like she did the act fondly...

"You don't look all too magical, little one." At this point, she was curled up my arm, almost like an armlet really. At this point, the medium egg began to hatch. I was quite surprised when a small bird-like, a head popped out of the egg. It was obvious that this beautiful bird was, in fact, a phoenix, but the thing that confused me was that the chick had feathers. The last time I had seen Fawkes as a chick, he hadn't had any. Although, this phoenix was stunning. Its feathers were blood red. As the chick further emerged from the eggshell, I noticed that the tail feathers had silver tips. I'm sure that as he grows, his flight feathers and headdress would have that as well. There were also silver designs around his eyes, almost like silver eyeliner.

"A phoenix? I thought you guys were quite rare. Especially, on this continent. Odd. Although, you are extremely handsome." At this point, the little guy nuzzled his head into my hand. A small smile appeared on my face at the action.

I don't know how or why, but I was already growing fond of these creatures. It might be because I've been taking care of the eggs for a week and now, they're hatching right in front of me.

Then, the largest egg started to hatch. This one seemed to be taking its time. Although, one thing that I could be sure of was that it was another birdlike creature. It was obvious that it was a black beak that was breaking the shell of the egg. This last one seemed to be quite shy, seeing as though she poked her head out once then stuck her head back into the egg.

"Come on girl, I won't hurt you." I was able to slowly coax her out of the shell. She appeared to be a Thunderbird. An ombre one at that, ranging from a dark midnight blue all the way to a beautiful light grey. "Now, what are you doing in Britain? You're supposed to be in Arizona. Although I guess I should probably ask your names first little ones."

"We don't have names. You must name us, Master."

Immediately, I looked to the snake. "Was that you?" I got a nod in return, well, as close to a nod as a snake is able to give. "What do you mean 'Master'?".

"My siblings and I are your familiars."


"Yes, our parents were told by Magic that we were meant to protect you and be your familiars, Master."

"Wait, Magic is a person?"

"Yes, she is a goddess. Although, not many wizards are able to sense her, Master. "

"Is she the reason that I am able to sense Magic?"

"Yes, Master."

"Please stop calling me 'Master'."

She nodded again before speaking to me once more, "To complete the bond and allow my siblings to talk to you, you must name us."

I nodded, "Alright, let's go in order of hatching. That makes you first. How about... Keira? It means 'little dark one'. It fits your colouring. Also, I still don't know what kind of creature you are."

"Perfect! Also, that's easy, I am a Basilisk. Although, I'm a special type because I am able to change my size based on my will."

"Well, you are quite the interesting one aren't you Keira. Next, would be the only male in the group. Well, I'm sorry to say, but I don't think this will be too masculine. Although, the meaning does fit. Chi, it means blood in Japanese."

I heard a male voice, seemingly coming from my inside my mind. "It is perfect! Thank you!!" I smiled at how enthusiastic the little guy sounded. "Are you talking to me inside my mind?"

"Yes, it is an ability granted to us through the bond."

"Nice to know. Now, for the last of you guys. The biggest of you three too." I smirked. I must admit, that this was the most that I'd smiled in a very long time. "Not surprising since you are a Thunderbird. Quite the beautiful one at that. I'm highly impressed with all three of you. Absolutely stunning. I'm lucky to have such magnificent familiars. Especially to have three. Although, I haven't seen many wizards with even one familiar... " It was odd to think that I had three. I had once heard that wizards who had a familiar were especially powerful or important. So why did I have three? Anyway, back on subject.

"Well, I'm thinking more along the lines of your powers for this one. How about, Aello? It means 'storm' in Greek." I got a happy chirp at that, meaning that she liked it apparently.

"I'm sorry but I don't have any food for you guys at the moment. I don't have any food at all at the moment actually."

"That's okay! We can feed off your magic until then!"

"Th-" I was about to reply when suddenly a huge pain ran through me. I gasped and doubled over.

"What the hell was that?" Again a pain came, this time even worse. I looked over at Keira, Aello, and Chi. They were all sharing knowing looks, seems like they knew exactly what was happening. The pains were getting worse and closer in between. I know that sounds like contractions for pregnancy, but I'm a 12-year-old male. No- 13-year-old male. It is midnight, meaning that it is my birthday.

At this moment, the pain became too much to bear. I passed out, falling onto the floor. What a great way to start off my birthday!

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