Chapter 9: Ice Cream

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Hadrian's PoV

      As the four of us walked together to Florean's Ice Cream Parlor, I couldn't stop smiling. Draco had grabbed a hold of my hand again, claiming, "It's crowded and we don't want to get separated." I was a bit confused at that because the wizarding shopping district was comparatively slow to the other times that I had been since Hogwarts letters hadn't been set out yet. Dad was determined to get the shopping done early though since he already knew what the list for next year would be.  Keira slithered off of my wrist onto Draco's. He jumped at first at the odd sensations causing me to feel a wave of her amusement through our bond. Eventually, she settled in a place, curling up around his forearm. She looked like a bracelet if you didn't pay too close of attention. He looked at me as if to ask permission for her to stay there.

     "It's alright, she can do what she likes. If she's making you uncomfortable though I'll ask her to come back over to me. They all seem to like you, especially Keira. She gets a bit cold on me because I have a slightly lower body temperature than the average person due to being a vampire." I grinned at him as I spoke, answering his silent question.

    "Oh! She's not making me uncomfortable at all! It's just I've been taught it's uncomfortable for the wizard if someone else is touching your familiars so I'm still not used to being allowed to yet." I was confused about how this could be uncomfortable for other wizards. I could only sense the comfort that Keira was feeling from being warm and wrapped around Draco. Maybe it was because I trusted Draco and so did my familiars so they didn't mind him touching them?

    "It isn't uncomfortable at all for me. I might be a bit jealous of how comfortable Keira is compared to when she's wrapped around me. She is falling asleep from how comfortable she is because of your body heat." Keira hissed sleepily at my comment, a bit embarrassed about my comment. Draco let out a little laugh at her hiss, relaxing at the knowledge that he wasn't making me uncomfortable. When we walked through the doors into Florean's Ice Cream shop I got hit with a bunch of different smells at once. It was almost overwhelming. I keep forgetting that coming into my inheritance as a royal vampire had enhanced my sense of smell. It was weird, being able to pinpoint so many different smells at once. I could smell the cream, graham crackers, apples, early grey tea, and even the faintest hint of iron because of blood. I had never come into this shop because I never had the time to while shopping with Hagrid or the Weasley family, so I was amazed at the number of flavors that they had. A memory of when I went with the Dursleys to the zoo, where the kind ice cream salesclerk had caused Vernon to buy me a lemon ice lolly. Another memory of going to this shop with Ron and Hermione also appeared in my head, but I chased the thought away before I ruined this day with depressing thoughts. Draco let go of my hand to hurry towards the different flavors, clearly excited about the different flavors. Papa followed him to get into line. I went to join him, but Dad placed a hand on my shoulder holding me back. As I looked up at him, he spoke up.

    "Hadrian, before we begin shopping I have to ask you a question. I know that you are currently in Gryffindor, but I was wondering that since you are no longer Harry Potter that you might want to be resorted as Hadrian Snape. We can't really say anything about your father, but I can claim you and no one will have to know about your former identity of Harry Potter. I'm sure Dumbledore will spin a story explaining his disappearance. " Dad looked a little nervous as he asked this as if I would deny it and continue to live as Harry Potter instead of my true self. I couldn't believe that was possible! I thought for sure I would have to explain something like being adopted by Dad. I also really didn't wanna stay in Gryffindor now that I know the truth. I could ask the hat to put me in Slytherin like he originally wanted to! An excited grin appeared on my face as I replied.

    "Could I? I would love to! Since I'm changing my identity can I change the classes I want to take? Without Ron and Hermione pestering me too much to study, I think I want to change my electives. I also heard that you can sign up for O.W.L.s that you didn't take as a class. Is that true?" Dad looked relieved and hugged me, but he also seemed a bit surprised at my question.

    "Alright, I'll make the arrangements for the resorting. Yes, you can take the test for classes you didn't take. A lot of muggle-borns take the O.W.L. for muggle studies. You don't have to worry about that for a few years though. What did you want to take?" At his words I was relieved that I wouldn't have to take a class that I already knew the answers to, I'd much rather use that time to learn different aspects of the wizarding world.

   "I want to try to take Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, and Care of Magical Creatures. I only took Divination because Ron begged me to. Although, I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep up with all three. If I can't I was wondering if you or Papa could help me self-study for one of them during the summer break." Dad let out a chuckle at the excitement still sparkling in my eyes at the idea of learning more.

   "I'll make sure that you are enrolled in those classes, though I won't accept you slacking off in my class anymore. If you do drop one I'm sure we will be able to teach you or find someone else to teach you the class you decide to drop. Now, let's go before they decide to order without us." As we walked over the young couple in front of Papa and Draco were just finishing up their order. I looked at all the different flavours but still couldn't decide yet. Seeing my problem, Papa decided to order for himself and Dad first.

   "Can I get a double scoop of key lime with graham cracker crumbles as well as a single scoop of earl grey and lavender?" Looks like I got my like of citrus sweets from my father, which is why as soon as I saw the flavor I had to get it. I wasn't surprised that Dad got an ice cream that tasted like tea. It was just what I would have guessed even when I thought he hated me. I had to suppress a laugh.

    "Can I get a scoop of limoncello?" I spoke up, sharing a look with Papa at the similarity between us. Finally, it was Draco's turn to order.

    "I would like a scoop of apple crumble, please." I'd never noticed before I moved in with the Malfoys, but it seemed like apple was his favorite flavor. I'd learned from the house elves that he request an apple pie flavoured cake for his birthday every year.

   Papa spoke up again before the employee could tell him the total, "Make both of the kids' orders a double scoop, please." I was shocked that I was allowed to have that much, but I really should start getting used to it. Ever since they learned that the Dursleys had starved me, they all seemed adament to get me to eat more. Even the house elves would give me larger portions than I had even at Hogwarts! The man told Papa the total and he took out a few galleons to pay. We all got our ice creams and found a place to sit down. The ice cream was delicious! Next time that we got ice cream I would have to try the treacle tart flavor!

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