Chapter 2: Dinner and sleep

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"Y/N, dinner is ready!" Y/N's mom called from downstairs. 

"I have to go, bye." Y/N said. They stood up. "Stay here and just, y'know, do stuff I guess... You can explore my room too of you want. Just stay in my room. And don't make too much noise." 

Everyone nodded, understanding. 

Y/N smiled, exited their and closed the door, leaving the objects alone. 

"Soooo... how's everyone feeling right now?" Paper asked. 

"Hm, pretty good actually. That Y/N human is pretty nice." Lightbulb replied. "Isn't that right Painty?" She looked at Paintbrush. 

"Well, I mean, yeah, but I still think we need to get back." Paintbrush replied.

"Paintbrush is right. The hotel needs someone in charge." OJ agreed. 

"Well, if Yang didn't break the remote, we'd be back already!" Yin said. 

"Shut up Yin!" 

"No you!"


"Hey, fighting won't solve anything! We just need to calm down. Test Tube is trying her best. We already have one of those humans on our side, so that's already good. But PLEASE don't make a scene. There are other humans who might be able to hear us too, remember?" OJ said.

"OJ's right! We are stuck here for now, but we gotta accept it now. We'll be back as soon as I finish this." Test Tube said.

"Ugh, I would've been happy if Balloon wasn't here." Nickel said. 

"Oh come on!" Balloon exclaimed. 

"Stop bickering now and just go with da flow!" Lightbulb chimed in. "That's what I do. Well, I'm gonna explore this room. Who's going with me?" 

"Wait! Lightbulb, remember what Y/N said about recovering? That's impossible in this world. So please be careful. If you die here, you'll die forever." Test Tube said. 

"I'll be fine." Lightbulb reassured her, doing a sort of hand gesture. 

"Well, I'm going with you," Paintbrush said, "just so you won't do anything stupid." 

"Yay! C'mon Painty!" Lightbulb cheered, happy because Paintbrush wanted to go with her. 

Meanwhile, Taco and Microphone were sitting at one of the corners of the bed.

"Okay, Mic, we have to get this... human on our side too." Taco said.

"But why?" Mic asked.

"Because they don't know we have these secret meetings. If they find out, they might ask the others about it. They should know about us and they have to keep it a secret so the rest of your friends won't find out." 

"Hm, that seems reasonable. But what if they still tell everyone?"

"I'll make sure they won't do that. I mean, Knife doesn't say anything either."

"Yeah because you almost killed him!"




"We are NOT gonna hurt the human. We have their trust." 

"I wasn't planning on hurting them." 

"Yeah, sure." 

"Mic, I'm serious. We'll tell them at night, when everyone is sleeping. We will wake them up and tell them." 

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