Chapter 5: Luna comes over

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"Wow Y/N, you really did a good job on your homework this time." The science teacher said as he was checking everyone's homework and walked past Y/N to check theirs. 

"Oh, uhh, thanks!" Y/N replied. "I think I just kinda got it suddenly?"

"Good job, Y/N." The teacher praised.

After school, Y/N and Luna met just outside the school. Luna was talking with some random guy.

"So yeah, that's why I'm a Hufflepuff, haha." The guy said.

Luna chuckled. She then noticed Y/N. 

"Hi Y/N!" She greeted them. 

"Hey Luna. Ready to go?" Y/N asked, readjusting their heavy bag.

"Uh, duhh, of course! I'm looking forward to hanging out with you!" Luna replied.

Y/N smiled as the two started walking to Y/N's house. 

When they came home, they went inside. 

Meanwhile, in Y/N's room, the objects were chatting with each other. Lightbulb was telling Paintbrush she could easily jump from the bed without shattering herself (she even got a small pillow from somewhere), but Paintbrush was not convinced. 

"Aww, c'mon Painty, I practiced many times from the DrFizz machine!" Lightbulb said, already climbing up. 

"Lightbulb, the DrFizz machine is not even half as high as-"

Paintbrush got interrupted by footsteps.

"Guys, get under the nightstand! Y/N and her friend are coming! Hurry up, Lightbulb, don't you dare jump, just climb down- you know what? Just jump, I'll catch you. You're not that high up." 

Lightbulb get go of the blanket she was holding to climb up and fell. Paintbrush caught her in their arms. 

"Now let's hide." Paintbrush said.

Everyone had hidden just in time as Y/N and Luna came in, talking and laughing.

"Oh my god, Luna, are you serious?" Y/N said.

"Yep! She actually tripped and fell right on her make-up covered face! Karma's a beautiful thing." 

"Man, I wish I was there to see that, but of course I had to piss." 

They sat down on the bed and continued talking.

"Wow, that other human is their friend? Cool!" Lightbulb whispered.

"Yeah, obviously." Nickel replied. 

"I wonder if she's good at giving head pets." Lightbulb said. 

"Yeah, but we need to stay here." OJ said. He glanced over to Test Tube. "How's it going?"

Test Tube was screwing on the machine. 

"Oh, it's going alright, but I can't seem to get it to make good portals. I tested it last night, when Y/N was sleeping, but it didn't work." 

"Oh, alright. Take your time." OJ reassured Test Tube.

Yin-Yang was sitting somewhere.

"I'm bored." Yin said.

"Good for you." Yang replied.

"I'm also thirsty."

"Stop complaining." 

"I'm not complaining!"

"YES YOU ARE!" Yang whisper-shouted this.

"SHUSH, DO YOU WANT Y/N AND LUNA TO HEAR US?" Yin whisper-shouted back. 

"NO! YOU SHUT UP YOU MORON!" Yang actually screamed this part, making everyone flinch.

"What was that?" Luna asked. 

"Oh! Uhh..." Y/N tried to think of a lie.





"STOP YELLING! JESUS!" Knife yelled.

Y/N felt really worried. Meanwhile, Luna was trying to find out where the noise was coming from.

All the objects were arguing with each other now, telling each other to shut up. The only one who was silent was Taco. She was invisible and hiding in a corner. No one noticed her. 

Suddenly, they all stopped screaming, one by one, because a big shadow hovered over them. Luna's head was looking at the objects.

"Awww, how cute!" She reached underneath the nightstand and put the scared objects into her hands before getting up. "Wow Y/N, what are these?"

Y/N was dying inside. Luna had found out about their secret. 

"Where can you buy these, Y/N? Hello?" Luna looked at Y/N.

"Put them down, now!" Y/N said. 

Luna startled and quickly crouched down to put the objects on the ground. The objects quickly went back underneath the nightstand. Suitcase and Balloon were crying softly. 

"You can't just "buy" them. They... they kinda spawned into my room because one of them used a portal to come here or something like that. PLEASE don't tell my mom, Tyler, your mom or ANYONE! I don't want them to be hurt." Y/N explained.

Luna, who was still on the ground, looked down.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I had no idea..." 

"It's... it's okay. Just don't tell anyone. Also, don't just grab them like that. They're easily scared."

"Balloon and Suitcase maybe, they're cowards." Knife said, from underneath the nightstand. 

Y/N chuckled a bit. 

"Also, don't make it weird." They said.

"I won't." Luna replied.

"Guys, come out. Let's do some introducing." Y/N said. 

The objects hesitantly came out. Taco stayed. Y/N understood and said nothing about it. 

Y/N took the objects into their hands and put them onto the bed. Then, they and Luna sat down, careful not to sit on any of the objects. 

"Okay guys, this is Luna. Luna, this is Lightbulb, Paintbrush, Fan, Test Tube, Microphone, Knife, Nickel, Baseball, Balloon, Suitcase, Yin-Yang, OJ and Paper." Y/N said, gesturing to each of them to introduce them. 

"Oh, well, hi guys!" Luna said. 

"Hey Luna, are you good at giving head pets?" Lightbulb asked.

"Well. I do have a dog, so I'd say yes. Why are you asking?" Luna replied.

"Gimme head pets!" Lightbulb said, crawling on Luna's lap.

Luna smiled and gave Lightbulb a few small head pets. Lightbulb giggled and blushed a bit.

"Aww, so cute!" Luna exclaimed. 

"Thank ya!" Lightbulb replied, getting off Luna's lap again. 

Eventually, Luna had to go home again. She said goodbye to Y/N outside. 

"Bye Y/N. I hope to see you soon! And your little friends as well." She whispered the last part. 

"Bye Luna." Y/N replied.

Luna then walked away. Y/N waved, then went back inside. 

Ahah sorry for dying everyone! And again this chapter is quite short.

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