CHAPTER 25-Family

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The next three days went by. Daozei, Erza, Yui, Kushina and Altato have just been at the Uzumaki Household. Minato and Naruto have been busy with Sasuke. Everyone was gathered in the living room.

Kushina: so what is so important Yui?

Yui: you remember when we had "alone time"?

Altato: yes?

Yui: I might have gotten carried away.

Altato: what does that..... DAOZEI YUW JIN!!!!!!!!

Daozei flinched. Altato was in front of him with a furious expression.


Daozei: it wasn't my fault!! it was her intention!!

Altato's pissed expression turned to confusion.

Kushina: is this true?

Yui: yes.

Kushina: Yui. You're only 15.

Yui: consent age is 15. And I didn't want to wait until we turned 20. Besides, I haven't even taken a pregnancy test so I might not even BE pregnant.

Erza: can't we use Jutsu to figure that out?

Daozei: huh?

Erza: I found a scroll that has a Jutsu that allows someone to check if a life form is around. I could use it to check.

Daozei: well that's freaking convenient.

Kushina: do it.

Erza looked to Yui. Her eyes turned green. After a moment of silence, Erza's eyes go back to normal.

Altato: well?

Erza: Yui Uzumaki.

Yui; y-yes?

Erza: you are pregnant.

Yui smiled. Daozei was nervous and looked at his mother and Kushina.

Kushina: I'm alright with it, as long as you take responsibility.

Daozei: I will.

Altato: that's my boy.

Altato hugged her son.

Kushina: what would you name them?

Daozei: if it's a boy, it'll be Daolen.

Yui: if it's a girl, I'll name her Yuzei.

Erza: actually, it is a girl. The Jutsu also allowed me to see the gender.

Daozei: then Yuzei it is. Yuzei Uzumaki.

Yui: Why not your name?

Daozei: doesn't sound right. Yuzei Yuw Jin.

Yui: oh, you're right. It doesn't. Alright, her name will be Yuzei Uzumaki.

Daozei walked over and sat down beside her. In result, she leaned on him. Even though they got carried away and accidently got Yui pregnant. They'll take responsibility. The sound of the door opening catches everyone's attention.

Minato: we're back! Finally.

Minato and Naruto walk into the living room. They are confused to see everyone gathered. Minato was stunned seeing Altato.

Altato: hey Minato!

Minato: Altato.... you're alive.

Altato: you can thank Michael for that one. But, I think you should talk to your daughter.

Minato: why?

Kushina: we're grandparents.

Minato: HUH!?

Altato: well to shorten it. Yui and Daozei lost their virginity.

Minato snapped a glare at Daozei who cowered behind Erza.

Minato: you did WHAT!?

Kushina: Minato. It's fine. He and Yui will take responsibility.

Minato: but-

Kushina: it's alright. They have already decided on their name. Erza used Jutsu to figure it out. Our granddaughter's name is Yuzei Uzumaki.

Naruto: huh?

Kushina: oh! You're going to be an Uncle Naruto.

Naruto: WHAT!?? But I'm not even an adult yet!!

Altato: Consent age is 15 Naruto.

Naruto: oh. Wait, what is that?

Minato was nervous.

Minato: y-you'll figure out later.

Naruto: okay.

Minato and Naruto walk in and sit down.

Minato: so, Yuzei Uzumaki huh?

Yui nods.

Minato: just... hard to believe, 15 and you got pregnant.

Yui: can you please stop belittling me?

Minato: Th-that's not my intention!

Yui: Besides, I plan on marrying Daozei here once we're 18. Cause you know that in the other Kingdoms the Consent age is different. Only in Mytta is it 15. So that means I'm staying on Mytta until I'm 18. Don't want Daozei to get arrested.

Daozei got out from behind Erza.

Daozei: how's Sasuke?

Minato: Kakashi has him on a tight leash now. Making sure he doesn't leave. But recently the Akatsuki was found.... well... dead.

Everyone looked shocked, except Naruto.

Erza: what?

Daozei: there one of the most well known villain groups around the globe. what happened?

Minato: I don't know. But what we do know is that the Same person who attacked the Yuw Jin is responsible.

Daozei clenched his fists hard and grits his teeth. His hatred is still present.

Yui: Zei.

She put a hand on his shoulder. He looked and saw that she had gotten up and walked over to him.

Yui: it's okay. We can bring them to justice.

Daozei: I want them dead.

Yui: revenge wont get you anywhere. You might even regret it.

Daozei: he-

Altato: Daozei.

He looked at his mom.

Altato: I'm alive. Your father was going to die anyways.

Daozei: what?

Altato: *sigh* your father had a sickness that shortened his life. He got it from being bitten by a Grimm. He was going to die in two weeks at the time. It's why Michael brought only me back. He died from disease. You revenge wouldn't serve you any good. I'm alive, he killed me. Your father was already on the verge of death and I came to terms with it. Sure he killed the clan, but you can help them live on. Both the Yuw Jin and Uchiha Clan lives on with you. You need to let go of this grudge. You're going to be a father eventually. What's more important, vengeance, or family?

Daozei was quiet. The silence in the room was so low you could hear noises outside. Daozei looked towards Yui and Erza. He looked down in thought. Yui walked over to him. Daozei looked up at his mom. Yui felt something touch her hand. She looked down and saw Daozei holding it. She closed her hand over his.

Daozei: Family.

Altato smiled.

Altato: good. Now, let's continue to train you with Light Style so you can beat Guraten.

Daozei nods. Yui smiled and kissed him on the cheek. Erza walked over and did the same. he didn't blush this time. He was now determined. No more vengeance. His goal now, is to protect the ones he loves and protect his Family. NO matter the cost. 

Uchiha Arc is over.

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