🌸I Have Returned Part 2🌸

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Sesshomaru was walking around the edge of the forest. When an oddly familiar scent hit his nose in the distance. The smell was quite far from him. There was a small problem, it also smelt like blood mixed into it.

'Hmm...what an odd scent...' Being the curious man he could be at times, he dove down the hills trying to find out what that smell was. His extremely long silvery hair flowed at his high speed running. Whatever bothered his nose was quite far away.


My body was suddenly spat out of whatever just swallowed me up. My form rolled down the hills, nailing smaller rocks with my side. My hair that was tied back into a long samurai-like ponytail flew all around getting filled with leaves and sticks.

"OW..tch!" I let out a painful sound, my katana getting lost behind me midway. I felt one last sharp pain. *THUD!* I collide into something hard, everything going black once again. A trickle of blood dripped off the side of my head.


(Sesshomaru's POV)

"Where is that smell?" Sesshomaru's head went in every direction, trying to trace it. The smell of blood was scattered all over the place. This made it a bit harder for him to trace it.


My mind started coming back to me. 'U..-ugh...it hurts....' I told myself. My body hurt soo much from tumbling down the hills. *Crack* I heard the sound of a twig snapping. This caught my ears. I stayed low, not knowing where I was. I tried to open my blurry eyes just to see what it was.

I was ...shoes...but they made no sound walking towards me, as if it was like a cat walking softly.

White... I saw lots of white..

It was hard to make out what it was, so very hard. I narrowed my eyes trying to look up at the face of the one who was gazing down at me. I couldn't make much of what I see, but more white... and a pair of golden sharp eyes.

I see hands making their way down to me. My danger instincts kick in, and I hiss in a low voice. "D-don't touch me...don't you dare.." No matter how much I threatened the tall figure it didn't work. Before I knew it I was lifted up off the ground.

"...ngh..!" I hissed at my form being moved. I wanted to fight back and hit the one who was here, thinking it was still an enemy.

"Be still." A sharp, yet soft voice said in a half order fashion.

'M-my katana..N-no! I can't leave it.'

"T-tch..m..my katana....let me least.. be with it....." I groaned out in a whisper of pain. I could tell the eyes of the one near me widen. With my last painful breath, my body went limp.

(Sesshomaru's POV)

'The smell...follow it..'

Sesshomaru plowed down in between the trees, following the small trails of blood scattered all around.

'What could it be? It seems...so familiar yet...I can't recall it...'

The hill suddenly stopped, and Sesshomaru stopped running and slowed. In the grass and flowers below. There was a form lying there on the ground. Dirty.., and the smell of blood reeked here. Not just a little, but more than he thought. His eyes spotted a katana embedded into the ground near a waterfall.

This made him question even more about who this was.

'The..smell is coming from here..' Carefully Sesshomaru approached the figure. To his shock he noticed that it was a woman. Long flowing hair tied into a high ponytail. 'A women who wields a katana?? how...odd..'

He sniffed the air again. The closer he got the more he sensed that this woman was still alive, but looked to be in awful shape. He stopped and looked straight down. '..what strange clothing.....and...w-why dose she.. resembles a few..faces I know..'

Tight pants, that could have been his guess to what demon slayers wore. However, there was no armour anywhere on it. Long shoes...that had a sturdy look. Again it made him question what was happening.

I reached out to see if this was a threat or not. Ready to attack if needed. His mind was cut off though when a sharp noise hit him, and the figure looked him sharply in the eyes with anger,..fear and pain written all over her face.

"D-don't touch me...don't you dare.."

I froze in place, this woman who I don't even remember meeting, glared at me, not even as much as fearing me.

- 🌸To Be Continued 🌸

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