🌸My Dear Friend Part 2🌸

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(So sorry for not updating this story in a couple of months now, I got lost in writing other stories, and with my daily life. Here is a small chapter though. I will try to update again soon!)


"You can't stay here much longer, we should go your blood is attracting demons in the area." *T-thump* My heartbeat went up, as I began to worry. I was in no state to fight, let alone move. Sesshomaru stood up, he towered over me, picking my katana he spoke.

"Now, we need to go."

His voice was more stern but laced with concern. He didn't give me much of a choice, I would die out here without him. In a swift motion, he grabbed my wrist. Pulling me up to my feet swiftly. He balanced my weak body. He told me to grab onto his shoulders, where his fluffy white fur was. I..remembered how he was protective of that fur. It didn't want to stain it with what blood  I had left on me.

"Quickly now." His eyes scanned the area around us. Breathing in I grabbed onto his shoulder, gripping the fur as well. Just like that, he lifted us up off the ground. I was now airborne, flying through the air. I went quiet unsure of what to even say. I just held on with my life and buried my face in his fur.

I only looked away for a little bit, when I heard Sesshomaru's voice rumble. "There here."

'There here who what?' I said in my head, I looked up only for a moment. Seeing a hoard of demons plowing in our direction. I could hear Sesshomaru crack his fingers, getting ready for battle. 'But wait?! he's gonna fight with me on his back!?' I had like two seconds before they caught up, I take in a deep breath and duck down as far into his back as possible.

"Don't You Dare Let Go." I heard his voice again. I gripped onto his shoulder tighter. Digging my nails in at this point. He glanced back for a moment from the corner of his eyes, feeling the pressure of my hands digging into his shoulder hard. He could do this right? I mean the man is powerful, the only problem was that he was flying and I was a passenger.

- Until Next Time🌸

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