Truth Or Dare? Part 4

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Skye: *Looks around* Hmm.. *Hears a noise that sounds like a cat meowing, but it sounded very faint and far away from where she was*

Skye: Wait, Chase! Do you hear that?

Chase: Huh? Uhh, no?.. Hear what, exactly?-..

Skye: Listen harder! It sounds like a kitten meowing!

Chase: *Starts hearing a faint meowing sound* Your right! But where's it coming from?

Skye: *Looks around, and sees something strange looking* Ruff Ruff! Zoom in! *Her goggles zoomed in on what she was looking at, and she gasped*


Chase: *Gets worried when he hears her gasp* Skye, what do you see?!

Skye: The other 3 kittens! Their in big trouble!

Chase: What happened?!

Skye: They are in a plane and it's out of control! The flying kitty's lost her wings, so she can't grab the others and bring them down to safety! And none of them know how to fly!

Chase: Oh no! We have to help them!

Skye: I know, Chase! But how?

Chase: You can get on the plane and piolet it!

Skye: Uhh, first we should check with Ryder and ask him what to do!

Chase: There isn't enough time, Skye! You have to do this!

Skye: *Gulps* B-but what if I can't piolet the plane correctly and one of the kitten's fall?!

Chase: Skye, your the only one who can save them! Your the most experienced flyer I know! If you can't do it, no pup can!!

Skye: W-well, I guess I can give it a try..

Chase: Now that's the Skye I know! You can do it, Skye!

Skye: *Gulps* I-I sure hope so...

Skye: *Lands her helicopter*

Skye: Ruff Ruff! Wings *Her wings activate and she starts flying towards the out of control plane*

Skye: Now all I have to do is.. WOAHH!!

Chase: No, Skye!!

To be continued...

By the way:


ALSO, THESE ARE THE SHIPS IN THIS STORY: Skase/Chye, Rubbshall/Marubble, Rockuma/Zumcky, Evecker/Evacker/Treverest/Traverest.


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