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when the ambulance and other cops arrived they loaded Elliot up on the gurney and put him inside the ambulance Olivia road to the hospital with him.. As she was sitting beside him with his blood all over her hands for putting pressure on the bullet hole and had had tears streaming down her face..


"How could this happen .. I wish it was me laying there on that gurney ... I don't want to loss him he's all I got .. I love him this can't be happening .. Why is this happening.." I though to myself ..

"Ohh and Elliot I know You can't hear me but I want to tell u that back in the squad room earlier I wasn't thinking about what I was having for diner I was thinking about how much I love you and how i couldn't have you cuz u were married but i guess now ur not but I didn't want to tell u I have feelings for you cuz I didn't know if u felt the same way..!!" I said out loud..
Then we finally get to the hospital they took him into surgery I sit there in the waiting room with my head laying in my hands ... Then captain, fin and munch come running over to me.. I stand up and hug captain..

"Liv what happen.??" Captain asked
"when we got to where Joe (the purp) was holding the hostages, we went inside and when I was calling for backup
And then shots were fired and one of the bullets went trough the glass door and hut Elliot in the chest I shot Joe and killed him and now were here.. "
I hear the doors open for the other part of the hospital..
"Mrs. Stabler..??"
I stand up and quickly walk over to the nurse..
"Its Benson we're not married." I said kinda sadly
"Ohhh im sorry Ms.Benson.. Elliot is going to be ok he made it through surgery and may take a few days to recover he is resting right now .." The nurse said
"Thank you. " I said with relief
" when can I see him " I asked
" right now if u want " the nurse answered.
we walked back to Elliott's room.. He was laying there his body looked so weak I couldn't stand to see him like that. I walk in the the room and sat in the chair beside his bed.. I take him hand into mine and began to cry...
"Elliot I love you.. I remember the first I walked into the squad room seeing u at your desk I lost my breath I couldn't breath I fell in love with you at that very moment.. And I have never stopped loving u ever since.. " I said out loud..

As Oliva was talking I could hear everything she was saying. I tried so hard to wake up but I just couldn't.. I loved her back I always loved Oliva.. I only married Kathey to try and get rid of the feeling I had for her but that didn't work it only made them stronger. And them I though having kids would also get rid of the feeling but they didn't at all.. I want to have a life with Oliva I wanted to marry her and have kids with her and grow old with her.. I love Oliva with all my heart. I wish I could wake up and tell her this but I just can't..

I look at my watch and see that's its 3:45 am I was beginning to doze off and I finally feel asleep still holding Elliots hand and my head was laying on the edge of the bed.. When I woke up and lifted my head
"Elliot your awake.?" I says in shock
"yeah" Elliot said laughing
"How long have u been up..??" I asked
"Um about an hour " he answered
I look down at my watch and see its 5:00 am
"well I got an hour and 15 minutes of sleep.. "
"Hey Liv " Elliot said
"yes El..??" I replied back
"I love you to " Elliot said what a soft voice
" what El " I said nervously
"I heard everything u said earlier when I was asleep.. I love you Oliva Benson I love you more then anything I have loved u since the say we meet but I never told u Cuz I was nor sure if u felt the same way " Elliot replied
"I fell the same way Elliot " I said with a smile
I stand up and lean over Elliot and kissed him.. We kiss for a few seconds but I felt like minutes like amazing minutes I break the kiss and pull away
"That was nice " Elliot said with a smile
"Something about a man in a hospital bed" I said laughing as Elliot pulled me back for another kiss..
Elliott's doctor walked in the room interrupting out kiss
"sorry to bother you guys but we have been Monitoring
You and u are doing great and we might consider letting you go home tomorrow.. " The doctor said
"That's great doc thank you" Elliot said with happiness as he looked at me
"Well I'll stop by ur place and bring u some clean clothes "I said
"Hey Liv do u think u can stay with me until I'm completely recovered "Elliot asked
"Of course I will el" I answered
I left the hospital and went to Elliot's apartment I got him a pair of jeans and a plan blue t-shirt a pair of boxers and a pair of black socks ..after Elliot's place I went to my apartment I got about a weeks worth of clothes so I could stay at Elliot's place.. Then I get back into my car and head back to the hospital..

Im sorry that this part is short to.. I love yall enjoyed it and I promise I will update soon.. And please share my story with you friends..

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