Chapter 6

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Hey guys I'm sorry that it took me so long to update I have been going through a lot with school ending and my bestfriend passing away I just haven't had time to update but I'm gonna start updating a lot faster ..!! Let's begin chapter 6

Elliot's POV..
I woke up and realized I was still on then couch ..
& Liv was laying on my chest sound asleep. I look around not trying not to move to much so I don't wake Olivia.. I see my kids still in the same spots the were in last night before we all dozed off.. Lizzie & Dickie we on the love seat ,Maureen & Kathleen was laying on the floor & me live and Eli were on the couch . I had my back up against the arm Liv had he back on my chest and had Eli between her legs. I love the fact that I have everyone that I cared so much about in the same room at once .. I love Olivia and I'm so glad my kids do to & she loves my kids .. This all I could ever ask for..!! I was pulled out of my thoughts when Liv started to wake up ..
"GoodMorning gorgeous I said kissing the top of her head
"GoodMorning baby" she replied
"How did you sleep.?"
"I actually slept really good ,how about you.?"
"I slept amazing having you and all my kids in the same room." I answered smiling from ear to ear
"Aww baby , they look so peaceful when the sleep" Liv implied
"Yes they sure do "
We took a couple silent second and just look at the kids sleeping
"How about we make so breakfast before they wake up..?" Olivia asked
"Sounds great"
"We just need to figure out how to get up without waking eli" Olivia said laughing
"Alright u lean up and I slid out form under you, then u can slid ur legs out for under him." I said starting to move
"ight "
When we finally got untangle for each other we made our was into the kitchen.. I got the skillets as Olivia got the pancake mix out of the cabinet and went to the fridge and get out the sausage, bacon & eggs
We began cooking..

Olivia's POV
Me and Elliot ws in the kitchen finishing cooking, well it was more him cooking and me watching , I was sitting on the counter while Elliot was washing up the pan we(he) used to cook.. When he was finished he walked over to me and I spreader my legs so that he could fit between them .. He slid his hands on my waist & I wrapped my arms around his neck
"I still can't believe that we together " I said
"We'll get use to it , cuz I'm not gonna go anywhere " Elliot said leaning on for a kiss
In my response I kissed him back
The kiss got deepened till Elliot pulled back
"Liv can I tell you something.?" Elliot asked kinda shy
"Of course el you can tell me anything" I said kinda nervous
"I've been wanting to tell you this for a while now I just never knew how to say it.." Elliot took a deep breath and swallowed then continued "Liv I love you..!!"
When thoses words came out I felt this feeling that I have never felt before .. I never thought I would hear those three words come out of Elliot's mouth coming towards me..
"Ohh el, I love you to.."
Once those words escaped my mouth I felt his lips on mine .. I kissed him back and the kiss got deeper & deeper, then it led into a full make out session.. Until there was someone clearing their throat.. & that caused me and Elliot to jump apart
"Well GoodMorning guys.." Maureen said laughing
"GoodMorning Mo.." I said sliding off the counter
"GoodMorning honey" Elliot said
"What are you guys up to..??" Maureen asked
"Well I was enjoying my tongue down Olivia's throat but..
"Dad gross ..!!"
"Elliot .., we just got done making breakfast , wanna help me set the table .?" I asked
"Yeah,sure" mo answered
When we got done setting the table I told Maureen to go and get her sisters & brothers
"Okia liv" maureen said walking out of the kitchen
"GoodMorning daddy , GoodMorning livie" Eli said walking into the kitchen
"GoodMorning dad , Morning Liv." Kathleen said
"GoodMorning dad & liv " Dickie said
"GoodMorning Liv , Morning dad " Lizzie said
"GoodMorning guys" Elliot & I said at the same time "are you guys hungry.?" I asked
"Yes. " The all said
"Okia lets eat then" Elliot said walking to the table. We all sat down at the table and states making our plates . Once we were done making out plates we started eating and having small talk ..
"So , dad , Liv , how are you guys .?" Lizzy asked
"Ha we are great" Elliot said looking over at me
"That's great, tbh I never though you guys would ever actually be together" Maureen said
"Right" Kathleen added
"Yeah me either but here I am in elliot stablers kitchen eating breakfast with is wonderful kids"I said looking at all of them
"Aww Liv " Dickie said
" You kids mean a lot to me , I hope Yall know that." I said
"And Liv u mean a lot to us to ." Lizzie said
"Yeah Liv we luv you " Eli said
"Aww Eli I love you guys to "
"So guys what do Yall want to do today.?" Elliot asked
"Well maybe us girls can have a girls day & u guys have a guys thing" Maureen stated
"You know.. That actually sounds like a good idea" I said agreeing
"That's a deal" Dickie said patting Eli on the back
"Alright Yall help me clean up here and then we can go get ready " I asked
"U got it babe" Elliot said getting up for the table
"Awwww I'm still not use to it " Kathleen said smiling from ear to ear
Olivia & Elliot just smiled and continued cleaning off the table.. Once the we're don't cleaning the kitchen the went and got changed.. I had a tight pair of skinny jeans on & at the time I didn't have my shirt on & Elliot had a regular pair of jeans on & also didn't have a shirt one
"Remember when u though this was gonna be a bad idea , u were so paranoid they they wasn't going to like you or us being together " Elliot said walking over to me putting his hands around my waist
"Ohh shut up." I said outing my hands around his neck " I might have over though it just a lil"
"Yes u did , I told u that they were gonna love you just as much as I do "
"I love them kids as much as I love you to babe "
Elliot leaned and kissed me I kissed him back and the kiss was about to deepen until it got interrupted
"Hey you guys rea.. Ohh god again ...Yall are just nasty " Maureen said laughing
"Haha sorry maybe next time u should knock ." Elliot said
"The door was open"
"Okia Mo we will be ready in a minute" I said slapping Elliot on the shoulder playfully.. Once me and Elliot got dressed we left .. Me and the girls took a cab & Elliot and the boys took his car
First me and the girls went to the mall, ( we bought a hella a lot of stuff) then we went to the spa.. We were getting back massages
"So Liv I wanna know how u and dad got together Kathleen said
"Well if u want me to be honest I have always had a thing for ur dad but since he was with ur mom I never told him cuz I couldn't risk making a full out of my self if he didn't fell the same way & if he did than I didn't want to be the one that caused yalls family to split up so I kept them to my self and then when I heard they they got divorced I felt like it was my time to tell him and every time I tried I would chicken out & then when her got shot I though I was gonna lose him so I had to tell him even tho I though he couldn't hear me but unfortunately he did and when he woke up he he said that he felt the same and that he wanted to be in a relationship with me and we went for there."
"Aww that's so cute Liv " lizzy said
"Haha so what do u girls want to do next .?" I asked the girls
"Well I'm kinda hungry .," Maureen said
"Yeah me to do u guys wanna meet up with ur dad and brothers.?" I asked
"Yea that sounds like a good idea ." The girls agreed. So I took my phone out and texted Elliot
When we got the the diner Elliot and the boys were already there and had a table . When we walked up to the the girls took their seats and Elliot stood up ., he gave me a peck on the lips and pulled a chair out for me. When I turn around to sit down every one of the kids were staring at us..
"What" I asked looking at them then at Elliot , he gave an " I have not idea" and sat down
We all order and ate..after then we decide it's time to go home., once we got home we all got changed into some comfy clothes and met back in the living room
"What do you guys want to do .?" Elliot asked moving to where I was sitting and pulled me up so I could sit on his lap
"Maybe we could watch a movie together" Dickie suggested
"Yeah okia" we all agreed .. We all got situated just like the other night , me Elliot and Eli on the couch , Kathleen & Maureen on the floor & Lizzie and Dickie on the love seat .. We watched the movie until we all fell asleep

Hey guys I'm so sorry it's been forever since I have updated I just been really off track and have so stuff that. Had to deal with and I have just been pushing this off & also sorry it's kinda long but I promise that it won't take me this long to update for the next chapter I love Yall and I hope u guys enjoyed the chapter

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