Chapter 5

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I figured the story was kinda getting a lil borning so Ima spice it up for yall..let me know what you guys think

One Week Later:

It's been a week & 2 days since Elliot got shot & been together.. Him and Olivia have been really good they have been taking it slow in their relationship..!!

So me and Elliot are taking thing slow .. But today he is getting him kids ..!! I'm freaking out I don't know what to do .. Obviously we're gonna have to tell them because I've been staying at his apartment and taking care of him and he wants me to stay while their here.. I want to tell them but I'm not sure how they will react .. I don't know if their be happy cuz their dad moved on .. I sure in the hell hope so
"Liv baby" Elliot called out but no answer "liv" he call again but no answer "Olivia" Elliot yelled
"Ohh yeah sorry" I said getting pulled out of my thoughts
"Hey what's wrong" Elliot asked concerned
"Umm nothing" I lied
"Baby don't lie to me, tell me what's wrong"
"Well what if the kids don't like us dating , what if they don't like me in general.?"
" Liv don't be ridiculous those kids love you and they always will and the part about the relationship well just have to wait and see but just know that I love you and I always will "
"Thanks el, what time was Kathy bringing the over.?"
"2:30 so she should be here in about 30 seconds "
"Ohh okia" and with that's there was a knock on the
"I'll get it " Elliot said standing up and heading over to the door seeing all his kids standing there.. Kathy stayed in the car
"Hey kids" Elliot said giving all his kids a hug but Maureen cuz she wasn't there
"Daddy" Eli screamed runny through the door
"Hey dad" Kathleen said hugging her dad
"Sup pops" Dickie slapping his fathers arm
"Hey daddy" Lizzie hugging her dad

Once they all she their hellos and made their way to the living room
"Hey where's Maureen .?"Elliot asked
"Oh she's on a date she is gonna have him drop her off here when their done" Dickie answered
"With who.?" Elliot asked again

And before the can answer they walk into the living where Olivia was sitting on the couch
"Livvie" Eli screams runny into her arms
"Hey Eli, how are you.?" Olivia said hugging Eli
"Hey Olivia" Kathleen said
"Hey liv how are you" lassie asked
"Olivia" Dickie said with a confusing look
"Hey guys I missed yall." Olivia said
"We missed you to livvie.!!" Eli said letting go of olivia
"Olivia has been staying with me and helping me out with everything since the shooting" Elliot said to all his kids "and we wanted to make sure it will be Okia if she stays here with us this weekend to.?" Elliot asked his kids
"Of course" Eli answered
"Yeah why not" added Kathleen
"Sure I'm fine with that" Dickie & Lizzie said
"Thanks guys" Liv said
"Great now who's hungry " Elliot asked
"ME..!! " They all screamed together
"So u want to order In or do yall want us to cook.?" Olivia asked
"Pizza" Dickie suggested
"Yeah" the other three agreed
"Okia pizza it is" Olivia said getting off the couch leaving to get her phone in the kitchen
"So dad how are u doing.?" Kathleen asked
"I know Actually I'm doing pretty great" Elliot answered
"That's good dad and we're sorry we couldn't see u at the hospital mom wouldn't take us up there" Dickie said
"No it's Okia guys your here now that's all they matters" Elliot said getting up and walking into the kitchen where Olivia was
"Hey babe" Elliot Said hugging olivia from behind causing her to jump
"Damnit Elliot you scared the piss out of me.!" Olivia said laughing
"Sorry I didn't mean to " Elliot replied laughing too
"So when are we gonna tell the kids about us.?" Olivia asked looking him in the eye
"We could do it during dinner..." Elliot answered
"Sounds good" Olivia said with a nervous look
"Babe don't worry this kids love you u seen how they reacted when they saw u earlier, everything will be Okia" Elliot said rubbing her back
"Okia baby lets go sit with them till the food gets here.."

When they got back in the living room they both sat at the end of the couch and watch the kids play around with each other.. When the food arrived they put it down on the coffee table and began to eat
"So guys I have something to tell you" Elliot begin
"Yeah dad what is it .?" Dickie asked
"Yeah dad tell us ..!!" Eli said
"Well me and Olivia are in a relationship we have been for about 2 weeks and we wanted to tell you guys to make sure yall are Okia with it" Elliot said grabbing Olivia's hand
"Yes I knew it , Dickie u owe me a spa day..!!" Kathleen said as Maureen walked through the door..
"Hey guys" Maureen said outing her purse down "what's going on.?"
"I won the bet about Liv and dad.!" Kathleen said jumping up
"Wait what bet..?" Elliot asked smiling and look at Olivia
"That u and Liv would be dating." Dickie said
"Once you left mom we figured that since u and Liv spend a lot of time together and before you and mom split we seen the way u looked at her , so me and Dickie made a bet the Yall would be dating here soon and when we got here and seen Liv on the couch we just knew something was going on & I were right and Dickie owes me a spa day..!! " Kathleen said hitting Dickie playfully on the arm
"Yeeaahh daddy and livvie are to-get-her..!" Eli said getting off the floor and running onto Olivia's lap..
"And u guys are Okia with that.?" Olivia asked the kids
"Of course we are we really like you Olivia & u really make our dad happy plus u guys were meant to be from the beginning ..!! " Dickie said & the others shock their heads in agreement
"Aww thanks guys." Olivia said tearing up
"Alright now that's out the way how about we clean the food up and watch a movie"
"Sounds good to us" Maureen said getting up and taking the pizza boxes in the kitchen & the others help her. Olivia and Elliot stayed on the couch
"Wow that's went great" Olivia said kissing Elliot on the lips
"I know I told you that would be happy." Elliot said breaking the kiss
"Yes you did " Olivia said kissing Elliot again but this was really intimate till they were interrupted by someone clearing their throat .. The both pulled back from the kiss and looked up to see all the kids standing in the door way of the kitchen with their arms crossed
"That's just nasty" lizzy said smirking
"Sorry guys" Olivia said
"You to are just so cute together" Kathleen said walking towards them
"Aww thanks Kathleen , so what movie do u guys want to watch.?" Elliot asked
"How about mall cop2.?" Lizzie suggested
"Sounds good to everyone else .?" Olivia made sure everyone else was Okia with that
"Yeah " everyone agreed

They put the movie in and got comfortable
Liv and el were at the end of the couch cuddled up her head on his chest & Eli between them , Lizzie and Dickie were on the love seat both layed the opposite direction, Kathleen and Maureen laying on the floor..

Hey guys Sorry if the story was getting borning I tried to spice it up with this chapter I hope Yall enjoyed it and I'll be updating soon

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