Season 2 - Part 5

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Note: I DO NOT own The Owl House or DC Comics so don't report me, this is for entertainment purposes only.

Also, I should let you know that this chapter will be based on The Owl House Season 2, Episode 9.

The difference in episode 6 is that Luz uses the powers of Shazam to easily stop the Golden Guard from stealing the palisman, carrying him to safety before taking off.

In episode 7, Eda uses the powers of Shazam which prevents Raine from being captured by Kikimora.

Episode 8 is mostly the same as in canon, the difference being that Luz and Amity are on a date while Hooty tries to help Eda and King.

With that out of the way, I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Within the Emperor's castle, Belos was working inspecting a machine his men had been building for some time now.

It seemed to be in order, though it was missing an important element.

The doors opened as Kikimora had entered the room along with many others.

Belos panicked, his mask was off, so he quickly puts it back on before anyone could see his face.

Emperor Belos: Kikimora, were you successful in finding Titan's blood in Eclipse Lake?

Kikimora: Unfortunately not, my liege. Not a single drop could be found.

Emperor Belos: I see.

Kikimora: Forgive me, my liege. I shall not rest until I find Titan's blood as you requested.

Emperor Belos: Worry not, Kikimora. It has proven to me that the mines are dry. Instead, I have a rather tedious task for you.

Kikimora: What ever could it be, my liege?

Emperor Belos: The only other source of Titan's blood that can be found is in the Owl House. Bring me the portal to the human realm, along with it's key. Use any and all available coven members as you see fit.

Kikimora: I will accomplish my task immediately. Now move! All of you!

She ordered before they all exited the room as Belos stood there for a moment.

Emperor Belos: I know you are there, Hunter.

He said as the Golden Guard, now without his mask, gasped in surprise before revealing himself.

Hunter: I didn't mean to hide, Emperor Belos.

He said as the emperor removed his mask, smiling at the teen.

Hunter: This machine, can it really take us to the human realm?

Emperor Belos: Indeed. Or atleast it will, given time.

Hunter: Is it true that rain doesn't boil in the human realm?

Emperor Belos: It is. You know, I've been there before. Did I ever tell you that?

He asked, to which Hunter shook his head.

Emperor Belos: The trees there are green. Nights are quiet. I look forward to seeing it again. Now then, do tell me why you were spying on me?

He asks, still with a genuine smile.

Hunter: . . . The operation at the Knee. Why did you switch me out with Kikimora?

Emperor Belos: Everyone has a use, Hunter. Kikimora has her intricate little plans. The scouts carry out orders. And you, well, the Titan has big plans for you and it would be such a hassle to find a replacement. So, right now, you can be useful by staying safe in the castle.

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