Buried alive

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Pitch black darkness and I felt the walls were close. At first I thought I was just in a box, but there was something heavy on top.

I simply thought oh I must be underground and started to control my breathing. I took my shirt off and tied it around my head. I put my arms in front of my face, pulling the shirt up slightly.

I kicked up until the top of the box broke and I climbed out of my grave. I dusted myself off and took a look around. I kinda knew where I was after I left the highly forested area.

I didn't now what to do and because I was 12, I didn't know that burying someone in the ground was a crime. So I just walked the 16 blocks home plus the trek through the trees.

What I didn't know, was this was a prank set up by my cousins. They had a second part where they were gonna dig me up and do something else. They started a recording of them walking to the grave.

To this day, I still wish I had that recording just because of the moment they see the disturbed grave. The camera man said a very prominent, "oh no." And the recording went off.

All my cousins were terrified because not only did they lose me, I usually retaliate. But because I didn't know someone was coming back, I left. So they stayed there for about an hour looking for me, convinced that I was hiding nearby waiting to kill them.

My mom got a phone call asking where I was, she looked at me with a confused look.
"Right here." She answered. My cousins all started crying laughing at their stupid selves.

I didn't even retaliate. The oh no video was more than worth the experience of dirt in my throat.

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