HoneyGogo - Ship #30

800 26 14

Who: Honey Lemon X Gogo Tamango

Shipname: HoneyGogo

Rate (1-10) - 10!

Grade: A

Movies: Big Hero 6

Ship or OTP: SHIP!


They would be really cute. Honey is also very touchy with Gogo in the movie so she might like her?? Gogo is always looking at Honey in the movie and it's cute! I for sure ship them as best friends!! LIKE FOR SURE! But honestly I could see them as a totally cute lesbian couple. Opposites tend to attract so I feel like they match more than the movie leads on.

Moms Reaction:


wait nvm mom

k, was it related to big hero 6

ummmm totally not

Ok then ask me

Jk it was BH6

ughhhh don't ask me

**Tips Fedora

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