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I was born in a society where there is no such thing as someone being free. Free is a word for the privileged ones, the ones who got what they deserved. Nobody is deserving of anything

Power comes with no advantages the ones you lose leaves and the ones you wanted to be with till the end of time leaves with absolutely no regret.

Sometimes I go back and think, what did I do wrong what did I and so many others do to deserve this. Nobody can go back in time I mean yes there are ones who can, but you cannot undo our mistakes if you do not know what they are, I wish I did. I wish I saved you. I wish I protected you, I wish I were there for you, I wish I had time to explain, I wish that none of this happened.

This is my story. This is the story where there is both evil and good. There are the ones that are fortunate and the ones that are not but none of us is we all know that there are people that we had to protect but society forced us to do this.

My name is Peter Parker, and this is the story of reality. This universe is not like others.

I wish I understood. But I was young and even now I fail to understand what your last words were.

If this was phrased differently by some person who just knows of the story told from their grandparents or parents or by social media or by the news or just overhearing it over the street.

This is the story of how 99.9% of the mutant population, how 80% of the human population died.

But they never wanted to do this. I hope.

You know many years ago an audacious some might say a cocky man told me in his last moments.

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.

That is the point of this story.

Of our story. Of the story that should be told to everybody who thought wrong.

This is the story of them.

My brother and My love. 

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