Chapter 3

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"He is always scared idiot; well won't you look at this damn nerd all alone with nobody there for him just why won't you leave this world alone we have no space for non-mutants like you in this world.

"Hahaha and he says he wants to be her-."He was at once cut off with what looked like a red smoky beam pushing all of them away from me. It seemed all like a miracle what I saw.

There I saw two of the Maximoff twins, helping me?


There I saw Wanda Maximoff with her tenacious quirk. It was rather frightening her eyeliner seemed slightly off and her menacing stare was able to even make Flash Thompson sweat a drop. "Huh, so you do have a quirk, creep. I'm bored so why don't we have a little fight. Heh, I am sure that I will win either way but might as well try." said flash with his menacing smiling but deep behind that smile he was terrified in fact mortified her deliberate face was so very intimidating I am sure that even Hulk would be scared. The scene was spine-chilling. Flash still has not mastered his strange black substance like mutant power, so he clearly had the disadvantage here. That is what made it even more scathing.

Right before he was going to throw the first attack, he suddenly fell with what seemed like Pietro Maximoff knocked him out, but how did I not see him well it could be that I was simply close to passing out but still, how?

"Well, he was annoying," said Pietro but how did end up next to Wanda Maximoff I swore I just saw him next to Flash. Okay after this I need to get my head checked ASAP.

"I know right but I have to say I did kinda want to kick his ass why did you ruin that for me, Pietro," as they continued bickering I started to panic I need to figure out how to get out of here okay now I have to say I am scared wait are they going to kill me or torture me they just made six people faint. Uncle Ben, Aunt Inko I am going to miss you and I was the one that accidentally killed the guinea pig she did not die because she was sick, I stepped on her while cleaning my room. And when I die, I hope you do not find my diaries. This is the point where I run. Stupid Peter.

"You, you are the quirkless boy aren't you the one that everybody punches" Shit they noticed me. I'm dead. Wait quirkless don't they use that expression in Asia and Europe.

Somehow Pietro Maximoff just zapped towards me at the speed of light.

"Hey, come on sis, can't you tell he is beaten up badly, look he has blood pouring down his face." He cares about me. And how did I not notice that I had blood guess I got accustomed to the feeling I can't feel the pain.

"Pietro go home and get some bandages from the orphanage I will try to heal him." Heal me. Wait maybe she can do many things with her mutant power. I need to note this down. After Pietro Left in like a second Wanda started to come towards me. "Hey, try not to move when I heal you, it might make the process worse understand and what is your name"

"My name is P-Peter Parker," I said with an inch of fright.

"Okay just let me heal you idiot kay"

"Ooh... wow that was something unexpected"

 "If you're afraid, just admit it. I won't stop healing you though. Y'know for a Quirkless boy, you're too reckless sometimes." 

"I-It's...I'm not. I just don't know why everyone's so afraid of your Qui-" 

"It's not a Quirk. Not a real one anyway. 

"Well...real or not, it's pretty.... quirky." 


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